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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. https://www.diversityinc.com/most-white-people-think-blacks-are-intellectually-inferior/ how true do you think this is true anymore? How true do you think it actually is lol (dynocap). Do *most* white people actually understand think the shitbin in Chicago and poorer [predominately] black schools and areas (and thus probably IQ scores test scores) are a direct result of poor socioenomic wealth? Is it understood that a family of 12 generations free, passing wealth down each generation, is gonna have their kid perform better than a black family who just
  2. what abut Uno and Dos. or Hey and Come. Or Tupac. man I would fuck that kids life up real ideas: Ryuusuke, Taiga for a girl Tsunagi (means connection, so they're connection my ethiopian, american, and Japanese roots). Susuki or Tsusuki (continuation) Aya Abebe ( ) I'd name the first kid Urusai. Karori and it means Calorie. Karin Makino. Ueno (boy). << i think that's a last name. Can I name a kid Mortal Kombat??
  3. Otto (it means oops) but it would be pronounced Otto like the English name.
  4. so if i ever played it (and I might), I'd be just like you. skipping the first minues 1-3 hrs not a fan. but edgning to get in on the fun.
  5. my bad. I've seen you do this to me. (unprompted) Carlos is light weight tho. I doubt his insults hurt much. okay I'll observe more from further into the sidelines.
  6. ya know I would just ban people like you and chimp who are just negative edgy just to be cool. Like that's 90% of your posting gist. can sw grow up. Can y'all "men" grow up? this unprompted edgey negative shit is really getting old. we are all not 13 anymore. @Alphonse I'm not saying ban lol. I'm just saying maybe we should think about what kind of forum we want to be. for the future.
  7. i'll remember those cooking skills, really. low an slow first then hot sear --- I just ate. It wasn't spectacular. but something was killed in order for me to hate moiyself.
  8. byack. that's a thic chunk of block. I feel like you can't cook it rare. not sure myself. do wanna eat something nice tho.
  9. is \it nice? does he hide his ego and feelings? what a nice tv.
  10. Imma get my PS4 back today. So maybe (force) try and play some post-game FF7 R this game really is a one and done experience. I remember being a little too linearr too. lots of corridors and boss fights, and a fighting system that doesn't match the linear gameplay or never takes off. I really hope P2 or P3 opens the world up and opens up the balance of the fighting system and takes advantage of it. I don't think they need to change the combat mechanics much at all actually, but how enemies respond to what you do, and the neccessity to attack or defend a cert
  11. a facebook meme. I'll look it up again. I really was convinced in serious cases it detereiotes the tissue. 0.26% sounds nice too. hmmm. I dunno bro!! The CNN [death] toll ticker keeps going up!! Them fake news? I also find it funny that MN #s are still decreasing, tho we musta had (actually I think other bigger states I suppose ended up having bigger crowds and riots). I do see your side to things, I think the truth is where you say it is or somewhere in between.
  12. umm. I think chances of getting it are exaggerated, (tho really 1% is way too high to risk a movie)-- but once you get it, it can really deteriorate your tissues even if you recover. and of course, STDs aren't meant to kill you that wasn't the right analogy.
  13. I'm liking this new regime. I think you should do it Twinstunta. He's a wreckless gremlin. And Sauce, you ain't touching me.
  14. Alphonse, the new Jim's Wasteland should be reserved for this chimp.
  15. now you talk about my cock. duuuud. STFU stuff your mouth withyour own self loath, and serioiusly go play with traffic. It's not too late.
  16. oh c'mon. stop banning 1 of 7 posters. I think it was bad enough you let me call him ESL. I dunno wht he did here but I didn't want him banned. @MalaXmaS WE NEED POSTERS. NOT EVERYONE IS GONNA BE COOL. FUR FUCKS SAKE, DIVERSITY YOU NATZI SHITSMEN. You're gonna have a forum full of 7 agreeable boring people at this point. stupid imo.
  17. i think it (used to) depend on the type of surface too. I saw a meme (I kno) that highlgihted cardboard at 3 days or something crazy. metal at another etc. So i'd check. but if that's completely the case, I'd take a ghost spooked ass theater with 12 desperate mutherfuckers watching a move 16 seats diagonal apart would be fine.. It ain't worth Mulan for me.
  18. decent point.. then again, I've been to 1 bar and maybe 1 resteraunt or 2 since. The bar was fun lmfao. finding out who gets annoyed with space and who doesn't give a fuck lol. You start off at 7 feet, then kinda creep and read the room/friends. just kidding. I don't condone this shit. But I did sneak in 1 daytime bar during covid and it was enjoyable. you telling me I can't? what if a popcorn falls? I just don't? ------ I'm personally waiting. Gonna let y'all test out covid early. I can maybe do this shit for another month. depends.
  19. okay, aren't the seats, like, covid? serious question. I know lazy ass theateer staff ain't wiping down every seat after every movie so...??
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