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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. MK64 BEST multiplayer game ever. Better and way more fun than Halo. Could do those 3 minute races a million times. I got really good @ the game.
  2. I bought Judge Eyes for $33 on ebay used (PS4 import). Saved a little money from getting PSN cards on play-asia. Still want to do post-game FF7, actually for the boss fights. But I also want to hear read and experience the story again and some more. Maybe this time a playthrough not focusing on reading the subtitles. If I LOVE the game, I'll be shocked, and I'll paypal Ramza and Twinblade $3.50 and my lochness heart.
  3. an RPG by nintendo. A brand new adventua game with a new gimick. And adenture game whre you kart around mountains.
  4. all these sound right. You liked Fall out 4 tho. I remember when vegas and fall out came out side by side. WoW is terrible. Dota is an addiction/i would never align my personality with it. And Wind Waker is the last Zelda worth playing.
  5. Hated it. Dq11 is way better paced and actually interesting. I don’t get when ni no kuni gets rewarding. Good luck.
  6. the game looks like ass tho. fighting with sorority paddles and sticks lmao.
  7. first 6 feet, then 12, it's so arbitrary. I try to judge who the fuck i'm around and if they're the type of person to not give a fuck. 90% of those fuckos are yes, so I keep my distance. Sucks when I gotta go somewhere is all. and yeah, PACKED areas where herders can't wait to congregate to is the LAST FUCKING PLACE i'd wanna go!!
  8. Just had dinner/lunch small memorial with dad mum (parents) and 2 other close friends. Felt normal, wore masks (lol). Tried to not face each other when masks come off. At times I slipped my mask off. It was food n energy socially that would last me a couple weeks. Still getting a little bit of normalcy, but I do miss the entire country and other countries being ready. And I fucking need clubs and bars open at some point.I'm not going to do this for long!
  9. I beat the bahamut in chadly's simulator at level 42 on HARD MODE. Megaflare wipes out your entire party. Only way to survive it is with Barret casting manawall/manaward right before the countdown. If you managed to save carnbuncle summon and he's out, that helps too. And then SCRAMBLING to all-raise your fallen allies as he continues to 2-3 shot everybody, including likely your healer (barret) who just raised everyone. It takes, about 10+ minutes to raise his stagger bar to break. For the life of me, I can't gather what attacks to spam with Tifa. W cloud, I was using buster rush and
  10. worked out. I'm thinking they will without going into too much detail, if someone wants to answer carefully i think other than characters showing up earlier for the sake of giving gamers something epic to do, not a whole lot has changed? if someone wants to try and tackle that conversation with me, knowing where i'm at, without spoiling too much, perhaps i'll read. if indeed square is going to offer a completely different story line, i'm okay with that. if they make one where *big spoiler* for what it's worth, d
  11. oh shit!!! THIS ONE IS PERFECT. It's close to real life. they even wear real tight clothing. Is there a lot of non detective talk? this is prolly a much better buy than Persona 5 you're right. I'm rpg'd out too so this is prolly a good idea. Will spend $100 again on the PSN playstore and get this in a couple weeks. july 8th at the latest. a present.
  12. maybe its because they have some true goodies to hide and show later? I can only hope. I almost don't want to see stuff, if I know a game will be quality. as for seven, ya that's true. the battle doesn't change much (no game does in hard mode anymor except for fighters). but you gotta like, remember what drew you in old ff games too. we never needed uber complex stuff. Also, there is some excitement in going "oh shit oh shit, mega flare is coming," when you're actually underleveled. I missed that entire experience my first playthrough because I was promptly level
  13. bahah. jeez. interesting to see how you feel. try some post game crap./ no I meant cyberpunk. switched to talking about remake after, but like kaz and twin said, I think that game will impress, even, you. as for ff7... eh... I had very low expecctations / mad excitement, and thought the game was gonna be 20 hours long. so I'm fine. part 2 better not be as linear!! but it will be.
  14. 2020 sucked and I knew something was OFF when Kobe died. Also, I think Cyberpunk will be your favorite game of 2020. At least we got disc 1. I'm doing post game now. The discussion here for this game is dead lol I'm trying not to over level and attack everything myself. *shrugs*
  15. he's whining that making something missable is bad. he wants more crap like the crap before. Am I missing something here?? (pun intended). I don't think you freaking understood my point. YES THEY DO HAVE THE SAME TEMPLATE BECAUSE GAMERS LIKE JONB1 WILL COMPLAIN if they don't. fuuuck.
  16. @Twinblade I told you. Look @ Jonb1's mind go insane. This is why games will be hand-held from this point on. IF I CANT SEEEE IT ON A TROPHY LIST OR WAVEPINT WHUUAYYYYY !!!
  17. wait a few months for others to get it and *cough cough* from it. I dunno. this shit's weird lol. I picked a great time tho. I'm sitting on my butt collecting moneies.
  18. The great news is delitas spoiler is up for wraps lmffao. im a newb played in jap so questions: obvy spoilers. Pls hide major stuff like deaths and whatnot in the original, did sephy poo ask for/ want clouds help saving the pranet? Or was he trying to destroy it? I thought that was a cool scene and If gaming wasn’t dead, that should be a Witcher 5 moment where you can change the purpose of the next 30 hours. But cloud just says nyah byah. thats all imma ask. I’ll leave the fanboy fun out for others and myself.
  19. I’m happy for a story line that divulges or keeps aries asked for more cutscenes but I just realized I probably played 70 more hours than most people id give the title an 8.9 imo combat never expects you to do anything fancy. And there’s truly only 3 areas in the game. Collesium and battle simulators are ass habitats for tough mobs. I think half of p2 will still play linear.
  20. Just finished it too. No clue what to do now. The ending is fine. It tried to make an impact. And you gotta understand Japanese satire. I think it also does a good job at making you feel overwhelmed. I was waiting very patiently for the characters to badass their way out of every situation. I actually had to go to bed and take a breather and finished in 2 sittings. parts of said ending chapter(s) was also well topped and didn’t hide behind satire. Movie esque. I think I played way too much middle game. Lol all my materia was maxed out by the time I beat it (minus very useless stuf
  21. What game are people buying lol. Insanity. Good for Nintendo. They deserve it. Hope they get some strong competitors on their system tho. They can’t be the only quality developer on the thing.
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