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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. bro, if everyone had a headset, and we could communicate to each other, I could in theory travel to any country and have a conversation with anyone in real time. fuuuuuck. That sounds so fucking dope I could get pronucniation fluent in any language... (do people sound too different over a phone? maybe). No physical touch though. Show me your boobies.
  2. Yah. I wanna go back to cowboy time and enter a Saloon and catch and STD fucking the hottest sloon in town. And drink really shitty ethanol.
  3. lawl. gameplay is there. bosses be fine. graphics in botw are a spectacle. never seen ninty harp much on story and i'd say mechanics are solid though at times simple. Oddsey is another great example.
  4. Nintendo secret weapon is making good GAMES, and focusing on the magic of gaming rather than graphics and presentation, or even voice acting. that charm bleeds through.
  5. your N button is not where it should be Mate.
  6. i was waiting for the anouncer to just say 'and then we have the black man, society. the black man.' Neva doubt the negro. I'm happy he lit his has up.
  7. jenny B craig 1-800 call me jenny tuday! *singsong*
  8. ya I just read it / googled / panicked after hearing. shit's scary tho. dude's glassy. I so want lakers to go to the Finals! Omg that would be so excite. Bron vs GAbmtotumboNigeria was exciting as fawk in the all -stars. You know Giannis STARTED playing basketball in 2008? Literally some dude told him "hay u tall. Play basketball afrikan,' and he did, starting at age 14 Wasn't even his passion. And less than 10 years later he's competing with the greatest basketball player in the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZu9Y_4SCks he is a freak/ hard w
  9. oh noes. what happened lol. fuck me.
  10. I'll play yo games, niggah. Is this your type? What do you study again? A Creative?
  11. it's always ran fast enough for everybody. I'd be worried about losing archived content.
  12. lol this series. It runs on my laptop though. Maybe I'll play some more 0 tonigit.
  13. i clicked on teh sleeping in vid, because of vid game graphics. and the song is chill vibe. white people music is so weird. I can't classify it. Even tho I just did. Its better (for me ) than the first one. Same band? cool tho. I give this song a 7 in graphics, 8 in value, 7 in sound, (whoa whait, this was supposed to be ironic ), and a... 2 in control because the lyrics are OUT OF CONTROL. er something.
  14. it's the same idiots. not falling for the same abuse.
  15. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-adblocker-for-youtu/hflefjhkfeiaignkclmphmokmmbhbhik?hl=en-US for desktop users. you welcome. I am the l33t haxxor hokage #2.
  16. HAHA. i mean like, do you even notice all the extra details when you shoot and play or does it just seem ho hum.
  17. subjecctive but ok. i'll listen to your crap today.
  18. when you're playing, does it truly even seem like it matters? honest question.
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