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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Omg so calnaad is the last anime I watched. The faces are TRASH. That is THE rant I make. And eureka 7 is special. I cried like twice in that anime. Lmfgao serious. Good shit.better than dry full metal wannabe serious. And it's mech. And I LOVED IT.
  2. Dope. Put about 32 hours in the first one. Got to the sand place where you betray a couple nikkas. What was that mission? 'Betray a couple nikkas: tatooine on deck!'
  3. I hate mech anime with a passion. Rather watch romance comedy. Love Hina is the shit!!
  4. Babel makes me think about a pig. It's probably something biblical. Babel. Memory'd. Sorry.
  5. Yeah lol. There's 3 minutes of real japanese in it! I bet the new you would get super hype hearing it!!
  6. Bable is a phenomenal movie by art standards. You seen it and enjoy it as I did? I think it's set in Afghan tho.
  7. But 4k compensates for my un manly everything and I NEED IT, almost like a trigger word.!!
  8. What Xbox multiplats do you own?
  9. job postings are more solid than rumors. Who doth know that?
  10. Waiting a year for ff7. Waiting a year for tlou2, a 14 hour game. Just buy a ps4
  11. Oh wow just read the thread. Lmfgao this nigga gettin.
  12. Dude you are so excited to play PlayStation titles. Stop baiting. Appreciate it tho.
  13. We are disagreeing Confucius dufus. I do like love sweat pants. Had a pair of Sean Jean ones I played $90 for. Got white booty feeling myself in them in my young learning days. Then my friends convinced me to bitch her out on the phone to see what happens and we never talked again. Thanks Sean Jean m
  14. I agree baggy was try hard when we all know your legs are smaller. No shame in fitted jeans. Shoulda always been.
  15. He got angry at me too. I hate him!
  16. Lol Nintendo is brilliant. Not only are they not spending assloafs of money to appease regards like you, they're huffing their own in line chip, and they're aware the majority of buyers won't care nor notice it's not 4k. Simply, if they want a switch now, may as well get this one. They will keep printing money. 💰 and jonb1 can continue being a fanboy who would have never liked Nintendo anyways.
  17. Can they release 2 versions? Even the next gen version with more content??
  18. I wish the people who bragged about never coming back to this shit hole at SS kept their word too, holy axe. Chimp has no spine tho and misery needs company. I'll accept we let cancer in. Shalom.
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