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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Fat Bruce Ghandi Wayne looking nigga paid a equally ugly masked fuckwad hella money to go on a pity date with him so he can brag to teenagers on twitch. Dude. At a "latex show" and he brings up pegging first.
  2. Go for it. It's the internet. And you'd get your teeth knocked out in real life so you talk all this shit. That still makes you a manlet by the way. Even with your exaggerating. Sub par fucking human acts like he's extraordinaire on forum of video game nerds. Dude you can't convince your own crowd so you came crawling back here. Fuck you nasty ass you'll die like all other corpses. You ain't special. And you're still too fucking ugly to post a pic
  3. and he's shorter than his date. probably pegged his little ass afterwards.
  4. natural dreads grow from afros. You've been terrorizing people's looks looking better with a raptor mask on to cover your tar face.
  5. litliterally looks like Ghandi poop lmfgao.
  6. lol. looks like the game needs refining and game and polish and could have benefited from being shorter and more diverse. interesto. thanks for the angry review. You knocked the experience for most folk from what I gather but damn. After the firrst 5-10 hours it's repetetive and same enemies huh?
  7. Yo I one time started losing in gutter bowling to a 8 or 9 year old Japanese girl, and I was seriously getting heated. it reminded me of that. I even commented to my host mother I was developing adult feelings of rage at a 9 year old.
  8. i gotchu on the Jedi level esoteric retardism. U thought I didn't know what u thought.
  9. y. what's the point. just staph it. tho I loved me some WW in some crazy weeird zippy moments travelng through an ocean that I wasn't supposed to just for the fuck of it (couldn't figure out where to linear-ly go, so I decided to fill up the whole map). Was actually a fun 6-7 hours of gameplay.
  10. Enjoyed Kev don't fuck this up. Could binge on stuff like that for days.
  11. Willing to bet a caged animal at a zoo figures out what mirrors or reflections are. As they didn't invent mirrors, I'd probably freak out at my reflection too. On point tho, yes they probably have little to no 3rd person critical thoughts.
  12. How is that very different? Sadness is primal. That's not very different. Calculus is ridiculous. Yes that's very different. Impending sadness unfullfilling why am I alive or always facing fear? And being able to rationalize such a predicament as a Lion, now that's a huge question. A stretch. Maybe. I gotta break.
  13. Parents teach their kids how to hunt over years. They pretend to be scared when a cub 'instinctuvelly' tries to pounce to build their confidence. They force their kiddos into trenches to learn hunting techniques. Lol. Animals are very much thinking and evolving beings. They don't just finish 24 hours on instinct. They very much lead a life.
  14. Hunting skills and their personality is actually based on experience and logical thinking. You read a half crocked sentence over a decade ago. And never looked into animals deeper. They very much operate on memory and personality. They just can't talk, man.
  15. Animals have deeper thoughts than you think sorry. Not saying fish or small birds. Go look at Lions spending a whole day. After years they must catch on to something.
  16. I think there will be ways to find out. Having discussions like do you all feel impending doom some days, success in spurts, what's it feel like inside your body? And such isn't met with suicide org or people thinking you're weird, but actually fielding good questions. Me thinks scientists can test animals organs and brain tissue vs ours and very much deduce we must operate similar. Seeing if an animal holds resentment is a good outliner. Seeing if any species would repeat stupid religious traditions (doubt it). Not in our lifetime but I think that answer will be answered. There
  17. dont be a dildo. can anyone ever have original thoughts without conversation being dumbed down? It's a great question, and I bet ya scientists would want to know. Animals do feel emotion like humans when their friends die, act out funerals, miss each other, etc. Also why are all humans persistently sad? Anyone find the inner key to happiness?
  18. It's the same brain same heart same stardust that creates us. I actually do think they do. I know dogs get depressed and shit towards the ends of their lives. I'm curious if animals or some smart individuals get just existential sad while out in the jungle doing nothing all sunny day, and wondering why they can't shake it off. Wandering with their flesh the meaning of life, then their dumb buddy comes by nips their tail and reminds him/her they gotta go mammal some food quick. I think a lion gets conscuisly bored. Look at their faces some times. He's at best w
  19. I think you're retarded for not realizing they may.
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