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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. As a prefers if he slated her and locked her into a basement for experiments.
  2. I left the ex for more good and finally started playing. Dq11 is surprisingly easy to follow in Japanese. Parts of ff15, namely some convos about military and past lore was hard, but everything in dq11 is childish and very easy to follow.
  3. This is a good point, but there's a story guns, and I think he wanted to make open world terrain a conscious gameplay aspect. You don't always have to fight something. We got a million games for that.
  4. You're both the same example of dumbies. Not sure why you'd publicize yourself as so malaky
  5. Just fucking touch them and tell them you want them!
  6. Traveling makes that easier. You have nothing to lose in the moment. Keep plugging tho man. You can only get better. I'll be back in your shoes soon. Really not looking forward to it. Maybe I'll find some hoot soon but fuck being single tbh. Don't be so hard on yourself either. I agree it takes too much work for a guy. But it is what it is. Find your sense of what's fun when you go out. A girl has to be worthy of you too. Don't be do all about what they need.
  7. Bad enough that I can't patch shit up now. She saw it. I sent a bullying threat on her boss job page so to speak. (A laughing emoji on a pubic post where my identity should be invisible). No one will put two and two together. & it was to taunt the ex. But it fucks with her sense of safety. And I could always be like "she dated on the job/take her lisence away!" Which I've threatened to do in desperate reverse psychology strategy too many times.
  8. You are such a dumb dweeb. That actually looks cool. The graphics are great. The physics are cool. And it's cool and unique as fuck you gotta pay attention to terrain and traverse.
  9. I wish. Bout to travel the world single man. . yuck and gulp.
  10. It's only a 12 hour game? You'd beat it ina week. Maybe buy it, sell it in 2 weeks then get emblem. I'm
  11. It's the same joke over and over. I'd love to hear your impressions specially actually.
  12. Lol just enjoy the game jehurey. You're practically an amateur critic yourself.
  13. Still logged out. Fuck you facebook and thank you 2 auth. I'm not some millionaire criminal. Phish sites could of had my porn searches and business about my personal life. This is so dumb m. Turns out I'm probably still using the same phone. It just won't send the 6 digit code.
  14. That's exactly what it is to me. I like it tho. Especially now that I can't use it.
  15. i dunno. but i'm pretty sure I doo dood permentently then logged myself out of facebook and now I can't log back in to undo the doo doo.
  16. and I can't log into my account anymore. :| how do I bypass this shit. IT's not sending texts to the phone registered. I don't know if fb is registered to an old phone. I can't do e-mails. Honestly if I can go in and delete the account, I freaking would. this is very lamesauce. I even tried calling tmobile. I did facebooks 'send picture id' thing, but dude, it doesn't even ask you for an e-mal address or new phone so I have no clue how they plan on contacting me? do I just try to log in one day and it says "hay we fixed your problem, you can log in wit
  17. Well mature words. For what it's worth. I got to talk blow up a bit. We called it off, and she's calling back in 7 minutes hoping I've calmed down, and we don't call it off. Love yous goodnight and talk later. I think it's sincere. But, I cannot keep going at the pace shit is. I'm doing hella work to rebuild trust / my anger issues, (anger sure, trust...psh I should have just never told her really tiny things), while she gets to swim in her abandonment issues and see me whenever she pleases. I get more of a reach faith leverage and sex than any other typical ex wou
  18. Not being vindituve. Truly wondering if she's aware of all the security demands she whisks off then never wants to compromise on what I need or am changing asap for her.
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