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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. Don't worry. I get the detail you're describing. They prolly look very similar. Interesting it runs fine on switch, being a ps4 game. My brother will probably cop this, as I bought the import version like a hella jap
  2. So make another fucking game with original ideas. Instead of the same tropes and themes, especially if you're scaffolding Chinese ideas. Scuse me while I go watch another old kung fu flick with Raiden hats n shit. Damn, damn. English is not hard. You. Are. Dumb. Example: Me: Chinese entertainment sucks. It's always about war old poor shit kung fu or noodles. You'd think after thousands of years of history, they'd have new ideas. <<<< this is the point of the post!
  3. Jonb1 and dynacap, why are the most imbecile conversations invisible for you to follow? I've had NO progressive discussions with you. As I spend more time seeing you confidently never get the point of anything, and then building retort on top of your ignorance. Example: Me: Chinese entertainment sucks. It's always about war old poor shit kung fu or noodles. You'd think after thousands of years of history, they'd have new ideas. Dweno: Shenmue is a game set in the 1980s. Where in the fuck does that refute anything I said?? It's a game about kung f
  4. And it's about noodles and kung fu. Are you seriously retarded. Please don't respond to my posts for a month. You are fucking stupid.
  5. I'll probably pass lol. The Chinese. Ick. Poor shacks and movies about noodles, kung fu, or war. You'd think after thousands of years of history, new ideas and memes would pop up.
  6. Hallways feel so dead in games. Me thinks one should create an action button and more animations when characters walk through stuff. Little things like cloud touches a railing with his finger to inspect the dust, and makes a comment. Like when you observe things in RE. If you observe something unique or programmed, say, it raises your spirit, or atb bar, or you get a voice snippet, or just an animation of an arm grazing a railing. Would make traverse feel more alive. Pre renders corridors are so transparent.
  7. Lol French was fucking made for the filthy jibberish to speak to each other in jibberish and not be found by the superior enemy. Srsly it's like they like sounding like a anal / gay sloth.
  8. The japanese put boobs sperm pedophilia cross dressing and all sorts of nonsense in their games with a straight blank stare. They are anything but sjw ing, scared to put tobacco in their games lmfgao you got owned.
  9. Does Hollywood own any of it? Why stranglehold it all? I imagine no one makes money this way. Imo ninty and rare should make all the money. They created the damn work.
  10. He barely got tapped. Not sure how he thought he could play a season. Kd ain't doing much either. If I was a GM, I'd never invest in someone with those type of injuries.
  11. These niggas are so hyped. I bet he rented that lamb, and works in a SHACK. Still hilarious though.
  12. Not even cursed. That injury is still a legend wrecker. If Kobe couldn't do it, no one can. And the man scored 60 on that injury. 25 and 30 a few times. And played an entire season!! We are blessed to witness such a feat. Btw, kds feet are done too. He's way too big and all his support will plenish.
  13. Id never trust an Achilles injury. I don't think it was a good pick up, unless they signed him for 12 mil or less.
  14. Can we ban people for being this dense and dumb?
  15. Cyan, you dumb blue motherfuckers. Cyan and white go so good.
  16. I introduced myself, said"hi! I'm lowtcp!" And all the bullies came and vultured at my kindness.
  17. Should let the guys paraphrase. Would come out more natural. Then get specific subtitles for each guy.
  18. Possibly. I think there are two types of gun owners. But why run the risk? I've never needed a gun. If I did, I'd keep it locked and at home, next to a dresser.
  19. Ya. It was a fun run. Great xxx. Should be fine in a month.
  20. Deadzone. Should I enact revenge? I might depending on how tonight goes.
  21. I've been thinking about MY girl though? So I don't get how I'm beta.
  22. You were sober when you made the thread of never hitting on said girl too, cuz it's beta. You've visited said food chain multiple times sober. You must be drunk now, as you don't get the point of what I write.
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