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Everything posted by kokujin

  1. My only advice is to not sweat it till the day before an actual court hearing with real consequence occurs. Be a shameful waste of energy to sweat things then get off, because they see you're a lamen with not much to do.
  2. Can you play the US version in japanese audio? What about japanese text and menu screens?
  3. Everything Nintendo exclusive. Minus GTA 3, nothing etches the top echelon of Nintendo.
  4. That sliding skidding thing was fine, you scuzzo. It's just pew pew games like this offer no substance or pace.
  5. Lmgao. Simpleton. I pass. Pass. No. Yes baby.
  6. Don't hate. The bias must dissapate. You are no better. Spider killer.
  7. I don't think anyone orgasmed at that. La should still be happy. GSW got nerfed. No good free agents late this year though?
  8. The fuck the fuck indeed!!!
  9. I do not either. Still life. Wouldn't want my ass crushed. There's still a brain and heart and life in every being. Probably even scabs and plants.
  10. Duu, stahp it. You scared me. I hope he still signs with the Lakers!!!
  11. Would be flattery and I'm a King. I suppose this algo can be used on any fb pic. It's still a Photoshop.
  12. Dude. Chill. The boobies and bag bush in the OP are a nice 👌 treat, and this shit is just funny. I would have preferred lazy ass op to post more, but 90 percent of us never bothered to download and this is just sw immaturity at its finest.
  13. Not sure which one to trust, or give my IMEI number to. Also, if I reset the phone by accident, ain't that code capput?
  14. Got a moto e5. Switched to TMobile. Person who switched plans didn't bother to know I'm locked with pcs until 6 months of continuous service. So. ?? I'm sure there's a way...
  15. Well, do the work for me, and keep going..
  16. Presentation. Exploring. Depth. Japanese (language).
  17. Find one remote and online on Reddit??
  18. Work less Andrew go out, or, your job sucks. The life out of you.
  19. Depends on the job, but I see the option as a good thing. Especially if it's your business, a well paying job, or you can limit or raise your hours at will. Nice work on the job tho twin. I wonder wtf I'll be doing in 1 or 2 years..
  20. No please. But bya fuckking damn if they get another max contract like kawhai. Magic couldn't have predicted all this, or could he since he did start the flirt dance for Anthony Davis, but I wonder if he ain't kickin his own licks and chops for jumping ship too soon. Why is kawhai obsessed with the mediocre clippers?? Be a Laker please.
  21. None, as I'm not a ninny simpleton and nothing surprises me.
  22. Ain't much out. And I agree. Movie cinemas are more for dates for me. Rarely does something super excite with the buds come out? Maybe a star wars movie??
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