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Everything posted by Boss

  1. Lol. As far a turn based goes it's great. And the narrator is one of my favorite parts of the game. An awesome voice that adds well to the atmosphere and is also Maj approved.
  2. Finished BCS and I loved the season. Reading The Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie Last flick I caught was Sorry to Bother You
  3. I was thinking about firing Y0 up again. I'm still very early in the game and had every intention of just plowing through the main. I know 100% the realestate/club management part of the game will be completely avoided, minus any main missions that might incorporate it.
  4. King = Lovecraft ? Maybe time for you give them books a re-read lmao.
  5. I have a beautiful hardcover compilation of this mans WEIRD ASS stuff.
  6. battlefield 3 from a bargain bin for like 3.99 was trash
  7. Hamstring and groin stretches. Incredible how much they effect the lower back.
  8. paying for ufc amazing fight last night
  9. millions of lemmings playing snoreza on easy mode so they can finish first somewhere
  10. Ike respects women so much that he feels the need to let us know the moment he's fucked his sweet girlfriend on chat box lol I wonder how she would feel about him posturing out their sex life for daps on the internet lol
  11. This is not a shock. These were horrible. People claim they have good writing talent LOL ok.
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