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Everything posted by Boss

  1. Getting back into Horizon after a few hiatuses from the game.
  2. The Ethiopian has given up his whereabouts through echolowcation.
  3. I hope you play it. curious to see your opinion compared to wolf 2.
  4. I wish I had played it on kbm too. Sucks since ive been recently making the transition and gaming on pc more often. Past year I've been playing some Isometric RPGs, strategy games, and FPS like Shadow Warrior and Overwatch. Still not sure why I oped to get Wolf for console. A lot of it has to do with the fact that there is no MP component to it. I know Shadow Warrior doesn't either but it was a promotional freebie on GMG. I may revisit DOOM and WOLFIE 2 on pc in the future for xbox's and giggles. also - DOOM >>>>>>>
  5. Yea he really capped the last two off (last one especially) as a master of the craft. Like the Elder Sensei of stand-up .. .Presenting the ideas that are the core of his jokes. I dunno if you get what I mean, but like...we got to see the mind of the master comedians building process. It was honest, human and still fucking hilarious. Yet he let us know it was goodbye, for a while, and it felt like it. Was legit sad by the end.
  6. Don't tell someone to stop talking about a show, then go on talking about The Walking Faggots
  7. it's been fun watching the gradual decline of hype for this game as they progress "looks so pretty OMH its awesome!" few days later "Feels like a grind" "thank god its almost finished"
  8. funny how you have to stop using stealth in a series that boasts playing as a swift assassin in order to enjoy it. it's so bad
  9. lmao This series keeps trying to break the mold, but ends up just creating mold. The AC franchise is like a 50 year old college student still trying to find their way, but never will.
  10. Been going between, Shadowrun Dragonfall, and Darkest Dungeon. I also picked up Overwatch but haven't really got into it yet.
  11. Face may look 29 it's debatable. But that hair line looks 49. Tom Cruise? Looks more like an aging Lloyd Christmas.
  12. started Fargo Se2 I'm 2 episodes in and shit is already funnier than the first season and looking to be even more chaotic.
  13. Fuck Marvel and their cookie cutter comedy crafted for sheltered simpletons.
  14. Started watching Fargo SE1. Perfect dark comedy fix for the start of the hibernation season. It's amazing how a show that contains characters so incredibly fucking lame can be so good. Lots of great acting. Billy Bob really shines because he's pretty much the only shining light bulb in the middle of a sea of complete halfwits. Cant wait to see how this ends. I notice little similarities to the film, but I haven't seen it years so I'm not sure what I'm getting right. One thing for certain is that the accents were much better in the movie.
  15. Ass creed king tut edition is awful. But people are saying it's the best in the franchise.
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