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Everything posted by Boss

  1. Wolfie 2. Probably game of the year behind Shadow of War though.
  2. Boss


    Game looks shite mate
  3. Louie marathon. I relate well to his white problems.
  4. Looks like it's true colours are coming out this season. Most people are turning on it for being what it always was anyways...shitty.
  5. man moral kombat is so much better than street fighter
  6. not watching game of thrones. horribly drawn out and exaggerated television.
  7. Not watching walking dead because that show is terrible.
  8. Yea House of Cards. I had like 5 people telling me to watch it, and that when I did I was going to be blown away. Watched half of the first episode before I realized I was gnawing off my fingernails in boredom. Political Drama lmfao.
  9. You know what we wouldn't mind? If you showed us your behind.
  10. nothing really. ill watch Louie and Always Sunny, periodically. Seinfeld is still the best show on tv go figure.
  11. injustice. it's actually kinda fun. paying 8 bucks for it helps.
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