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Everything posted by Boss

  1. Yea Kaz grow up From now on we prefer you bore us with longwinded posts about minor graphical comparisons. Also be sure to take all the humanity out of your posts and sound like a text book.
  2. Saw Louie CK last night at his first day of pop up Toronto shows. Legendary night of comedy.
  3. Pretty much all foley for bones and guts is done with veggies
  4. Boss

    DMC watches

    I have these from birth that I still wear from time to time
  5. When I was like 13 i broke my back left molar on a popcorn kernel and had to get it removed. The wisdom tooth by now has just slid into place. When they took that molar out, I was given laughing gas, so I'm assuming the same for the wisdom procedure but i dunno.
  6. I have to have 3 of 4 removed eventually. Lookin forward to some bomb painkillers
  7. I did feel that once you got past the first 10 or so min, we finally get prime Burr. I think he could have cleaned up some of the opening section of his act. Didn't really showcase anything that unique. But man did he ever roll into some of his best.
  8. Ok. I only asked because I wasn't sure if there was helicopter stuff in the latest special I missed because I was laughing to hard lol.
  9. You mean the one from I'm Sorry You Feel That Way?
  10. The airbag tag did me like this
  11. Excellent special. Stephen Hawking No doesnt always mean no 'My family!'
  12. I enjoyed the aesthetic. Environments, main character design, boss design (even if it was just the one in the demo). As a homage to the old metroidvania they did a lot of things right, but the combat left me a little disappointed. Long inactive frames after a dashing really slow things down. Was hoping for a bit more fluidity, closer to like Dead Cells gameplay. I'd still give this a go somewhere down the line, but I'll wait for it to hit a fire sale. Also the voice acting was lol.
  13. sad story dead at 3 years old
  14. Rewatching Curb the goat, almost at SE4 New Joe Abercrombie this month. He's continuing the First Law series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35606041-a-little-hatred
  15. 'big boned' is just an excuse for lazy fat people.
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