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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. TCSHBR! wow so what you guys gonna do now? Sony used to be nice enough to do that for ps fanboys but not anymore. .they want a profit form day 1.. MS the GOAT taking it back to old school console days.
  2. come live in Canada and you won't be saying that. Fuck this shit. we only get 2 real months of warmth. now its September and it's getting cooler and rainy. Then we'll have winter for what feels like 6 full months. Deep snow, shit driving and walking conditions, biting cold -30 -40 sometimes... then spring again which might be cool enough to still snow in May. I remember it literally snowing 2 years ago on May 1. It wasn't sticking to to the ground but still... then you get warmth for a couple months and start over. wtf Give me nice warm sun any day.
  3. I'm a little embarrassed for op and some others, I won't lie .
  4. can't wait should be a hot seller at $299
  5. $600 for a fully functional 12 TF system isn't bad at all. And most people already own a TV.
  6. It's a double whammy. 190 k covid deaths caused by trump. and Trump also insulting military people. Not looking good for trumpy
  7. Xbox has plenty of hardcore graphically impressive games. what does nintendo have? rehashes from 30 years ago?
  8. Losers and suckers? Really? Most people join the military in order to serve their country or improve their lives/earn a college education looking to better themselves. The men from WW1 and WW2 are losers? I hope you're joking.
  9. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/
  10. How many times are you guys gonna buy this trash form nintendo? How much is this? Full price? Sheep can be so stupid
  11. I agree twinblade is shit mod for politics forum. Believe it or not, after I saw the thread locks I was thinking of creating this same thread. Many of us are thinking the same thing.. why is that? Are we wrong? But he's a good mod for the rest of the stuff..
  12. It's free on Gamepass and I've been playing it since launch.
  13. John A. Macdonald is my ancestor directly descended from my father's side. I'm offended that they've done this to my great great great great grandfather's statue.
  14. No too shabby MS. Good guy MS releasing cutting edge hardware as well as lower end for the people affected by Covid.
  15. Xbox number 1 playstation number 2.. for real number 2.
  16. I want BC to turn blue.. that way he will be forever gone.
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