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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I'm going to jump in my flight sim and land the plane near Pashek's haus
  2. I guess lots of Apple fanboys will have to go MS Windows if they want to play games based on Epic's engine I guess. Oh well.
  3. Xbox doesn't even get a chance to release the game yet and the haters are already hating.
  4. lmfao looks at these pansies pretending like the game already came out and has been reviewed
  5. what's better than free on gamepass? I can't believe a cheap bastard like you mocks GamePass.. you're either a big spender or a penny pincher. And GamePass is the penny pincher's delight.
  6. @kazi of Skalitz I think you should not upgrade your pc and just get a Series X. We will be X bros
  7. come on kazuo.. you're a cheap bastard.. you pirate all your shit.. play free games.. What's wrong with gaming at a discount? MS has a low end for gamesrs like Kaz then they have the Series X for connoisseurs like me.
  8. Parents will definitely spend $299 with games included instead of going to 499 or 599 PS5 or Series X then have to buy games
  9. Gamepass for free. they have more than 100 game duh.. like not everyone is like you guys where you spend your whole paychecks on games ffs. Some people will be out of work and on a budget. Series S will be an easy option. You buy the console and you can play 100+ games on gamepass for free which they might include free at launch for first few months at least.
  10. All the little children are gonna get Xboxes this Xmas. Xbox and Xmas go hand in hand this year. w00t
  11. The point of it? Well it's more about giving poor people during a pandemic an option of purchasing their Christmas gift in a diskless format and ultimately providing a similar experience but for less money. Times are tough dog, not everyone can afford a $600 series X this Xmas but they will be able to acquire a Series S which will include gamepass.. You buy the console and because it's diskless they have a full library with GamePass. This will increase sales for the folks on a budget with one or the other spouse out of work due to covid. MS so smart
  12. oh we know you like the owners nipples
  13. Everybody always says they want their racers and shit to be more sim.. blah blah blah is not sim enough I keep hearing Well here's a sim for you have fun. lol
  14. I played flight simulator with a joystick around 2002ish.. It's like real flying. FS2020 looks phenomenal compared to anything before it I could see some Xbox fans getting into flight simulator. Or I can specifically see some older people who played those flight sims in the 90s but don't really game any more on pc but just want to play it again... the Series X solution would work for them. This is a good option for those who don't want to spend alot on a gaming pc. Plus this game will be nice graphical showcase for Series X. Plus you can use mouse and keyboard o
  15. So it's confirmed. 47.8% of gamers will be getting a series X.. MS gonna be worth 1.5 trillion in not time
  16. So let's get this straight here. Total gamers = 100%, correct? Therefore, 47.8 percent of gamers will either get a Series X at launch OR when Halo Infinite comes out.. Got it! What are the current percentages of total gamers who are playstation, xbox, nintendo or pc gamers? What those numbers tell is that 47.8% of total gamers at IGN plan on getting a Series X at one point or another. That bodes well for the Xbox franchise if you ask me.
  17. https://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/til-that-microsoft-tried-to-buy-nintendo-for-25-bi-33453437/#:~:text=But in the end Nintendo's,shortly before the GameCube's launch.
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