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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. be afraid cows.. be very afraid. buahahaha
  2. buh buh buh teh cell!!1!1 Is ps5 another of sony's miraculous devices that can simulate 6d like sony said about ps3?
  3. This is all so exciting.. To see sony flop around and not know what it's doing is hilarious. So you should take this as the beginning of the end for Sony. I knew it would take around 20 years for Xbox to kill playstation but this is the very first glimpse of what's coming. Xbox has significant power advantage, looks nicer and sony can't compete in terms of power and design. the ps5 will likely fail hard.
  4. People will bow to Xbox XseX.
  5. So strange.. I come in to the thread titled the following: "Sony Q1 FY2020 Results" Intelligent member Spicoli points out that competitor Microsoft is much wealthier and has much better financial numbers. But the Microsoft haters just want to hate. You can't take away that we are the most powerful gaming company on the planet. don't cry.
  6. I thought this thread was about corporate wealth and the size of their war chests? I see sony in the thread title and see all these fancy numbers boasting success... so let's post Microsoft Corp numbers side by side? I was under the impression that linux thinks that this will somehow give sony some kind of advantage. Just because the sheep and cows are salty that MS is coming to visit them with a huge dildo doesn't mean you got to be bitter and post supposed sony non success stories on SW. . You want to look at a successful company? https://www.microsoft
  7. We need to make it clear whether we are talking about the corporations or the brands they sell. I see you're talking bout Sony profits which is completely irrelevant when it comes playstation. Same for Xbox.. But if we are going to talk about profits by company/corporation then you should bend over... All of you.
  8. So these are numbers for Sony? Great let's compare the numbers next to Microsoft Corporation shall we? You are all raped.
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