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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. That's a fucking man. Aza sure like his trannies.
  2. so chupacabra is newmans pwn? fuck Gotdam chupa cabra was an asshole.
  3. no the ps4 doesn't need to be redesigned its a retarded console though.
  4. sony consoles sure are weaksauce.
  5. Fuck this shit Forza destroys GT.. who has a larger online community? It's cross-platform with PC and Xbox. there are a ton of players, this is the go-to racing game for Xbox. Never any dead lobbies. You can also party up with Xbox friends if needed.
  6. Every Forza surpasses itself.. GT has been fucking dead for over a decade
  7. So racing sims matter now .. okay then Funny how cowfucks don't care about racing games unless it's on their consoles. But when Xbox has a number 1 racing game for the past decade+ the cows hopes and dreams that GT will make a comeback is laughable.
  8. It really does look like a pussy hole
  9. tell me where I can get one or buy one and I will get one. I'm not wrapping an old tshirt around my face
  10. lmao it's easy to raise the bar when it's so low. raising it to 1080p isn't impressive at all
  11. I think the @Cookester15 real issue here is that it's the long weekend and he's being hindered form going out or spending time with people he wants to. A few weeks ago it was okay but now that the suns out fuck granny.
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