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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Around here there are stores that all they sell is poutine. You can get it with bacon, smoked meat, chicken, steak, veggies like mushrooms, peppers all kinds. I just like the regular cheese and gravy for poutine.. If I want pizza I will order a pizza.
  2. I use Heinz. That's all there is to it. lol But you can use any catsup.
  3. I've even added ketchup if the gravy was sub par and I wanted flavor. But if gravy is good I will not ruin with ketchup. But I recommend just trying a few bites with ketchup. .it's actually not bad.
  4. Poutine is alright but it has to be done correctly. They need to blanch the fresh cut fries before fully cooking. The gravy has to be savory. Depends what you like.. Some people might like it saltier some less. But you have light and dark gravies.. The dark gravies are more common.. And then you have cheese curds. We use fresh cheese curds from a place called st-alberts cheese. Depending on how much cheese they add you might want to ask for extra cheese if you like it. The cheese here will usually be squeaky due to its freshness when you eat the poutine. I always get extra gravy.. I w
  5. Spicalicious

    Hey cows

    The breathe in design for 360 was meant to show that when it breaths out it will explode with power.. A lot of cows and sheep used to call it a maxi pad was it? lol at your shitty ps5. And with only 9 TF
  6. Spicalicious

    Hey cows

    No it's a similar design to Xbox 360.. 360 was also white on launch and they showed it as standing up with the "breath in" design.. skinny in the middle and wider on the ends. I was surprised when I fist saw the ps5 tbh
  7. James is gonna get real Quebec poutine? lmao.. I'm sure it's the exact same as you've had in BC.
  8. Please MS buy them! you got deep pockets brehs
  9. Anybody remember the Adrien Werner that used to post here? That wasn't the same Adrien Werner from GS was it?
  10. So you don't think the PS5 looks dumb? you're such a troll bitch
  11. So $50 for the stand? why would you want to add $50 to your purchase.. Isn't an initial console purchase with games expensive enough?
  12. I wonder why the cows are so irritable?
  13. The problem here is that people think the fight is Nintendo vs Xbox or Sony vs Xbox. It is MS vs Nintendo and Sony. Corporations.. that's how this works.. Bill Gates, the founder and visionary of MS said that he wanted a computer in every person's living room.. Will sony and nintendo stop him? I think that statement can be found somewhere in their mission statement as a multi billion dollar corporation. Anyone who thinks that MS would tuck dick and run make me laugh.
  14. yeah because he's not a blind fanboy like you who thinks that sony will automagically win the future console race. You seem so certain that MS has nothing.. They haven't shown anything yet but we know they've acquired a multitude of talent to build up their library.. You should be scared. buh buh buh on Windows and Xbox not exclusive.. STFU A game is a game.
  15. when you said it's impossible for MS to come back.. I was like "really?"
  16. Don't worry the games are coming.. I'm not worried at all. When I saw the PS5 on the stand the first thing it reminded me of was Xbox 360. It has the similar "breath in " design, 360 was also shown standing at launch and it was also white.
  17. Series X looks so much more refined and professional. Much smaller and more power.. Go figure.
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