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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. yeah I had to buy more than one ps2 because it kept breaking with disc read errors or some other cheaply made crap. So we should knock of a portion of the sales due to sony selling shit products.
  2. It's just to let everyone know that these games originated from Sony while I'm playin on Xbox. Thanks! Just like the MS game studios which you will soon see on your respective and weak consoles. have fun plebs.
  3. I beat him.. you couldn't get hit once. Took me a few hours after many retries.
  4. he's not coming back He said he wanted to exhibitions. would be fun to watch though
  5. The main difference is that most races black and white don't hate the Asian culture as much as they do Arabs.. So when Hebdo made the cartoon it pissed off the Muslims which nobody cared about.. But doing it to the Asians makes people uncomfortable. It's all about their biased point of views. Most of the races typically get along with Asians. It's just the same for how life is unfair.. How beautiful people usually get more given to them than the ugly. They get "free stuff". So this is very much negatively viewed by most races who don't feel the same. It's just a bunch of assholes talking
  6. Joe Dirte likes to play Dirt. Nah for real I'm into this game. Anyone remember Rallisport Challenge?
  7. The people who want to hurry out to the beaches and have fun in the sun are the evil motherfuckers here unfortunately.
  8. Another thing, people with severe symptoms that do survive can have permanent lung damage.
  9. fuck trader joes.. meet me at whole foods in my city.. I will kick your ass as soon as you get here
  10. Killing innocent children too apparently. Literally nothing is known about this virus and people like you say open up he economy. WTF 70k confirmed dead in USA and it's not just the old people. Alot of younger innocent people are affected too. Wonder if you would change your tune if your parent or wife or child died from this. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/05/health/nyc-children-hospitalized-inflammatory-coronavirus/index.html If that's what it takes to change peoples minds about just haphazardly going out in public during this event then so be it. Many will die. Hopefully not y
  11. How many deaths are enough though? USA currently has around 70k deaths so far in the last what? 4-8 weeks? Will herd immunity actually work? The WHO isn't so sure yet. What if everyone goes out and gets infected and the shit blows up with millions dead in the USA.. would you be okay with that? is it worth it? The only reason it hasn't blown up more than it already has is because of the restrictions.. remove those and it should be interesting. I'm assuming you're a business owner or work in some sort of position that requires you to be out in public to make money? If not, why
  12. I don't even know if this image is related to covid so whatever.
  13. Also, if this was happening in November you can probably bet that quite a few of those protesters would be saying to keep things closed. It's almost summer so people want to go out.. If this happens again in September/October it's possible you won't have as many protesters trying to keep things open.
  14. I'm also confused.. I though it would be the opposite. The people who rely on being physically at work are the ones who want to go back so quickly. The ones working from home indeed want to stay home and continue to make money while working remotely. It's the people who aren't getting a regular paycheck who were already living beyond their means who are freaking out now that they aren't going to work and making money because the government handout isn't enough. Complicated for different reasons. Should the people working safely and remotely from home be forced to expose themselves to the
  15. Imagine if this game got a shitty score
  16. I don't see a problem with this at all. I'm actually looking forward to seeing something.
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