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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I still remember when cows were laughing at how Series X looked. .omfg
  2. TLOU 2 FLOPS PS5 has 2 less teraflops And the 10 TF console looks like this:
  3. Look! All the smileys are laughing at the cows!
  4. whoever buys ps5 is an idiot look at that thing.. you'll have to hide it when you get company over.
  5. Reminds me a little bit of the Xbox 360 "breath in" design.. and it's also white like the 360 was.
  6. They won't show the console because they're chickens.. running scared from teh 12 TF behemoth
  7. does yours have the hood scoop?
  8. Now sony on the other hand.. yikes they better sell dat hardware baby.. but MS got billions of Windows licenses out there collecting payments so we good.
  9. Translation: It's okay if you can't afford to buy our product this year, we understand that the economy and loss of jobs have impacted people's abilities to make extravagant purchases but Microsoft so fucking rich we don't need yo money now.. We all about you, baby. When you can buy one go ahead but we so fuckin rich we won't let this corona or blm get in the way of our launch.. that just how rich we are and how MS roll!
  10. So Microsoft is getting all these profits since they own it right?
  11. I actually use it to research potential mates.. you can tell a lot by looking at the details.
  12. His buddy probably got it and he went over and thought it was cool and took pics and is now saying it's his.. for attention. Nah, just kidding I think this guy has guns already.
  13. That's a fucking man. Aza sure like his trannies.
  14. so chupacabra is newmans pwn? fuck Gotdam chupa cabra was an asshole.
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