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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. how old is your computer? Stone age? wow that's pretty funny.
  2. either that or keep the dualshit 4 plugged in 100% of the time.. now what bitch?
  3. sounds like a secret way for nintendo to try to make money off you by making you go buy new joycons. Think about. What if Ninty sends something to your device which causes it to slightly malfunction which pushes you out to go buy more joycons.. After a few months when they found that you didn't bite and buy new ones.. they revert the change which fixed the joycons.
  4. for sure.. rechargeable sucks.. I just buy huge packs of batteries and swipe them out as needed.
  5. I bought the $250 Xbox pro controller and it's fantasmic.
  6. doesn't matter? I have my Xbox One X attached to my 4k QLED tv. do you think it would look better on your current computer/monitor aka pc version?
  7. buh buh you owned yourself I don't give a rats ass about getting owned or owning.. fuck all yall
  8. the shit runs smooth as fuck and it has to be upconverted.. you can't even run the game at the fidelity I'm running it at right now can you.. don't you have a mid range video card from a decade ago?
  9. your pc is weaker than my One X.. stfd you can't even run the game at 4k fucknuts
  10. doesn't matter, this kid Kaz pc is weaker than my One X therefore whatever iteration he tries to play will be shittier than mine... unless he upgrades. It looks fabulous on my 4k TV not sure if it's upconverting or something but it's real crisp... Regardless, the game is old as fuck now and I get to play it for free. Have fun playing games in 720p
  11. I am playing the pc version.. on Xbox One X Free on GamePass
  12. do you play any games? you said you haven't finished gta 5 yet and a bunch of others. you also claim that every game you play is the best but they can't all be the best.. some have to be better than others.
  13. Bill Gates. MS and XBOX https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/gates-foundation-will-commit-total-attention-to-coronavirus-pandemic/ar-BB13esKR?ocid=msedgntp
  14. it is also said that Trump would now have a problem dealing with NK if she became leader.
  15. I'll probably get to tag her first before any of you and will make sure to impregnate her so my son will be the next supreme leader.
  16. This all started as domestic violence https://www.macleans.ca/news/nova-scotia-shootings-rcmp-say-the-rampage-began-with-intimate-partner-violence/ Sounds like the guy got pissed at his girl and she ran off, he couldn't find her he then decided to shoot things up. Why he had a fake RCMP car and uniform and decided to go crazy that day nobody knows. I think he's dead?
  17. So sheep actually have to pay for this service? While I pay for one year of Xbox Live and took a free month of gamepass ultimate which upgraded me to a full year of Gamepass Ultimate for the price of a year of Xbox live gold. That's what I get for paying for a year sub of Xbox live gold. GamePass and games with gold.. so, I'm actually getting something for my money. What are sheep getting? milked? Nintendo are amateurs with regards to online services. They may as well just pay MS to do it for them
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