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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. It's just so weird that so many dudes like anime. Look at bodycount, I thought he was a manly man and he's totally into it. I always saw BC as a loud mouthed blowhard but he's into these types of games.. no judgement here.
  2. I'm sorry but I just don't understand how this could be played by grown men. Is this a singing game? kpop or something.. real question.
  3. It got a 10 at Gamespot didn't it? But is it not worth a 10? Why would GameSpot give 10's to Sony games when they don't deserve them? GameSpot also refused to give any credit to any MS games.. Sea of Thieves got a 6/10. Are these sites supposed to be reputable? Yet we go around on here on SW saying X has no games and shit.. or no games of value according to cows and sheep since they are not AAA. But if AAA status can be gained by simple fanboyism/bias on part of the reviewer or willingness to receive money or preferential treatment and giving auto 10/10's, then how are we s
  4. hes a cop but also dyn-o-mite sucka
  5. do you know how to get the 100 ups from world 3-1? Now you do.
  6. Yeah I remember that race was really hard and I'm sure I cheated too. I think I played it on pc mouse/kb.. not sure if it came out on consoles.
  7. I remember the cars in Mafia 1 man they sucked for driving.. I think they were trying to emulate cars from that era... you had that race car you had to go around the track with I remember. I enjoyed it.
  8. Plus she's fucking racist herself talking about helping only black owned businesses and shit.. What about Asians and others.. So, are like black people the only ones who have hard lives? brainwashed people.
  9. It will be funny seeing the differences between multiplat games next gen when Xbox has such an advantage in power.
  10. you wish It took 20 years for sony to come out with a competent controller. .And even now, I'm surprised they just didn't copy MS's thumbstick config. I hate sony's thumbsticks.. Until they change the thunmb sticks sony has no chance of beating MS in that department.
  11. Gaming forum that relies heavily on MS. Without MS youonly got the cows and sheep.
  12. You are an MS fanboy just like me.. Without MS you don't get to play any pc games or not even close to as many as are available.
  13. No I play games on Xbox but I'm also a pc\Windows enthusiast. I probably know more about Microsoft software than most people here. You play games on an MS platform? don't care.. thank you for the support.
  14. And why are you calling me a former lemming or ex-lemming? lmao
  15. I guess since you're no longer a lemming that 9 TF seems like a lot especially compared to Switch which is what? .5 TF? It doesn't matter what you come back with... it's still weaker.. you can post side by side images all day but it won't change the fact that the number 12+ TF is bigger than anything you will have in the next few years.
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