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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I am also considered an expert in my field. Been working with MS server products for quite a few years now and getting paid for it. As MS hater your must really despise me.
  2. Yeah using this for years. I don't have one ad. Lol Linux here thinking hes the expert on this just because he probably works with linux. Linux the SW user should use Windows. Probably why you're an MS hater. You were one of those linux users/anti MS idiots from the past Did linux OS take over and beat MS in OS?.. nope. MS got bigger Remember 20 years ago when people like you thought Linux was going to take over as the standard operating system for businesses.
  3. Fuck off assholes. Jimbo should be free.
  4. No ms is actually worth 1 trillion. Not make believe money like your mentioned for Sony and ninty. Yeah Sony and ninty have money but nothing close to what ms has. That matters when your going to sell hardware at a loss at launch. Point is that ms can afford to take a bigger loss in order to get the ultimate win
  5. He’s the one who wanted it lmao. Bill gates still owns majority of the company
  6. TRILLION dollar corporation who pretty much brought 3d gaming into existence... Also the same huge trillion dollar corporation buying up studios and building infrastructure.. nothing to worry about cows, nothing to worry about .. . is sony even back in the black yet or are they still bleeding red ink out of the anus? What is their most profitable division. Playstation? That's all they got? wtf? what's their backup plan when MS eventually gets the better of them? That's all it takes and that's how fragile Sony really is.
  7. Very well.. They've established long term investments in the gaming industry and are poised to take over. How's Sony.. same old garbage with their puny 9 tf ps5 ...
  8. The thing is, MS has so much money they have no idea what to do with it.. so they invest in themselves. Money is literally coming out of their assholes.
  9. Trillion dollar company. Drop in the bucket If you're counting every dollar and your entire business relies on one product then yes, be more careful.
  10. not true.. I can do it again.. I've already done it and have found a second opportunity. That's kind of what I'm trying to say.
  11. however long you had Xbox live gold for left on your account.. If you had 18 months then you have 18 months of free gamepass ultimate. And the most your next charge would be would either be maybe 3 months if you bought that deal.. You should be able to disable recurring billing. For me it's just cancelling the service. I still have the service until it expires but it doesn't bill me again at expiration. If you signed up for the 1 month deal then the highest the recurring charge would be is 1 month gamepass utlimate.
  12. Fuck you pricks none of you were actually aware of this manipulation where I can buy years of gold and then upgrade to ultimate which would give 3 years of free gamepass. all you fucks remember are the cheap gamepass deals for 3 months.. and then you all howled because MS wanted to charge you for another 3 months.. like it wasn't your responsibility to pay attention to how these charges work.. Well logic says that if you are purchasing a 3 month block of service that your billing will be every 3 months. idiots. I knew it right away and disabled recurring billing 5 minutes after
  13. Like, I'm literally going to go to the Xbox store on my Xbox and get Xbox Live gold 1 year. I will then navigate to the gamepass tab and get it for 1 month and it will give me 1 year of gamepass ultimate.
  14. I know but I've been trying to find a new opportunity to take advantage of this deal and MS is like here you go. . Buy Xbox Live Gold and they pretty much throw in GamePass. Didn't realize I could get this deal so easily. MS is like giving away game pass kind of.. I love it. So right now Xbox live Gold is a pretty good value with everything you get.
  15. I didn't realize they were shoving this deal in our faces and making it so obvious. My Xbox Live Gold just expired so I was looking into what I would like to get. For example I can get 6 months of Xbox GamePass for I believe $69.99 CAD at Walmart is where I think I saw them? I think Costco had a better deal but whatever.. Of course Xbox Live Gold 1 year is $69.99 here as well.. but that's for 1 year versus the 6 month GamePass. Well I just checked the Xbox store and found that I could literally go purchase up to 3 years of Xbox Live Gold and then MS will allow me to upgrade to G
  16. who the hell are you talking to?
  17. I'm saying that come Christmas. My "computer" that plays games will be more powerful than your desk
  18. I'm confident that when I get my Xbox XseX console on day one that my hardware will outperform Kaz's computer
  19. Of course.. and MS as a corporation with it's war chest have ample funds to do so.
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