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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. its actually several hundred dollars but alright.. plus I get the best gaming service on the planet for 3 years paid in advance.. Think of the future value!
  2. How is it scummy? It’s a recurring payment and you first get a deal for 3 months at 1 dollar. I was totally on top of this and expected it to go full price after 3 months. Like duh some people ar dumb lmao. And I’m almost positive they said that before you bought it for 3 months. I’ve already disabled recurring payment. Wait for another 1 dollar game pass ultimate deal and imma load up on gold cards. Pay the one dollar and get game pass for 3 years. Thanks ms
  3. That's the thing you don't understand.. As you know Live gold is cheaper than Gamepass. Then you have Gamepass utlimate which combines the two right? Well, when they initially set up this deal the Gamepass Ultimate $1 deal would match however long you had left on your Xbox live gold account. So say, you had 2 years of paid xbox live gold, when you get the gamepass ultimate deal for $1, it converts to 2 years of gamepass ultimate for the extra dollar. You can bank up to 3 years of xbox live gold. This was tested and reported to work.. MS is awa
  4. man if they let me buy another gamepass ultimate "deal" when mine expires, I'm gonna make sure to fill up my Xbox live gold sub and get 3 years of free gamepass for 1 dollar when I take the new deal. I had two previous opportunities to take advantage of that but missed both. If I ever get another Xbox live ultimate sub for $1 I am maxing out my Xbox live gold sub. Once I take the promotion and get 3 years of gamepass because of the upgrade from gold to ultimate.
  5. Is Sony as a company still bleeding red ink?
  6. You sure like sucking on Sony’s dick
  7. okay I wasn't sure if that's what you meant. I didn't find it too annoying when I played it though. Have you played the game?
  8. People have been doing that since the early days of playstation.. that's part of the reason I hate cows so much. They always hyped cut scenes and tried to claim that's how the game would look.
  9. Doesn’t he live on the island of Malta which is nowhere near Australia.
  10. do you think if we play the record backwards that we might get a hidden message that makes any logical sense?
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