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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I wish MS would revoke your Windows license. Xbox IS Windows. don't you forget that fuckwad., MS is Windows. MS is Xbox. MS is spending billions on gaming. Can fuckhead sony afford to spend multiple billions on gaming? Sony net worth in 2020 - $72.47B MS net worth in 2020 - $1 Trillion Game are coming you little fuck What you play DOTA? Final Fagassy? what a loser.
  2. Well, MS will have more powerful hardware and are buying up tons of studios. Why are you such a sony fanboy and MS hater? For chrissake the only reason you can game on PC is because of MS. I find it funny when people try to bite the hand that feeds them
  3. Microsoft is gonna trounce Sony so hard next gen
  4. Suck my wang Your pc is t even as powerful as one x lol
  5. Oh my lord almighty! I need to take a short break and release myself nice tits. would you fuck her or the pale waves if you had to choose?
  6. He's right.. why wouldn't MS want to compete and potentially steal away those customers? That would be stupid. They are only investing hundreds of millions if not billions into their gaming divisions.
  7. k. I think you might be in for a surprise though.
  8. But we still have games.. Hellblade 2 won't be on playstation at launch.. They now own Outer Worlds. Yes they still have the number 1 racers in the world. Gears and Halo too. But no games? if you say so.
  9. It's a Microsoft franchise. MS doesn't even make PC's aside from the Xbox console. The Xbox hardware is literally the only gaming hardware they make. I guess if you want to call your pc an "Intel/Nvidia/corsair" console or something.. sure it's pc but not one piece of hardware is from MS. The OS well that's something else. Without Windows you wouldn't be playing these games on pc.
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