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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Oh my lord almighty! I need to take a short break and release myself nice tits. would you fuck her or the pale waves if you had to choose?
  2. He's right.. why wouldn't MS want to compete and potentially steal away those customers? That would be stupid. They are only investing hundreds of millions if not billions into their gaming divisions.
  3. k. I think you might be in for a surprise though.
  4. But we still have games.. Hellblade 2 won't be on playstation at launch.. They now own Outer Worlds. Yes they still have the number 1 racers in the world. Gears and Halo too. But no games? if you say so.
  5. It's a Microsoft franchise. MS doesn't even make PC's aside from the Xbox console. The Xbox hardware is literally the only gaming hardware they make. I guess if you want to call your pc an "Intel/Nvidia/corsair" console or something.. sure it's pc but not one piece of hardware is from MS. The OS well that's something else. Without Windows you wouldn't be playing these games on pc.
  6. It's okay we have Hellblade and Outer Worlds. More will be coming.
  7. I've enjoyed the Forza games. If you haven't played with manual transmission and clutch then you have no room to talk. It's really fun to race those cars. It is what it is. It's a race simulator.. If you don't like that then gtfo. I play on manual with clutch with the standard xbox controller and the game is superb in that aspect.. taking corners at really high speeds and learning the curves... knowing which gear to adjust to just by the sound of the engine. It's magnificent. so much strategy involved. Can't wait to see this one in action.
  8. why do you think it's a bait thread? Curious because if this was a cow making a thread about Xbox you would join in and throw your stupid comment trying to mock Xbox. Are you pro PS brand/anti Xbox because it's the cool thing to do? Why are you trying to choose the popular opinion instead of the right one? It's really too bad that you're a mindless drone. If you weren't a mindless drone following the popular opinion then your anti MS and pro sony drone brain would have mocked Sony in this very thread.. but no, you came in to rescue the cows and sony. Why you defending cows and sony? aren'
  9. I'm glad they went with a bigger box. I was starting to become concerned about the push towards becoming smaller and more compact. We should all know that even by today's standards that the more powerful hardware still needs to be in a larger box with more airflow... that is, if these console makers are actually interested in making a powerhouse piece of hardware. I'm glad to see MS moving in this direction. I'm also impressed by how compact they've been able to keep the box. Let's see what Sony brings.
  10. I think most sheep and cows like playing as Asian schoolgirls.. I'm assuming these Asian little girls in dresses who act dainty and shit, live in some Asian land. So for sheep and cows? I'd says their favorite setting is somewhere in Asia doing some type of martial art and speaking some foreign language. For Lemmings though, just give us cars and guns and something in English - manly stuff and we are happy. Does this answer your question or clear things up regarding the demographics that visit this forum?
  11. If you like faggoty twink games then I guess sony and nintendo are more your style.. says alot about you though
  12. Lam you fucking idiots pretending that if Hellblade and Ninja Theory was owned by Sony instead of Microsoft you wouldn't be creaming your panties.. Half of you are infatuated with Sony and the rest of the sheep love to hide behind the ps console because it has some of their precious japanime faggotry games.
  13. hurry up and go play a japanese schoolgirl character in one of your favourite games.
  14. stop being so cheap poopypants. Splurge a little and buy this content.. stop being a tightwad.
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