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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. You probably have a point. Base OS can be run on a fixed resources.. I have to remember that these consoles are built with gaming in mind so the OS's should run lean and be specially geared towards gaming. Engineered with the specific hardware in mind with OS can make quite powerful.. Have they confirmed how much ram dedicated to video? If it's 9-10 GB I don't see a problem with that. But yeah more ram might be better. we need to consider speed and efficiency though.
  2. Whats the standard on high end cars these days?
  3. 16 for OS and 8 for the card would be ideal.
  4. Will they have Kinect? I hope that shit is over
  5. So it's 16 GB with 13 usable? Is that confirmed? Is it shared with video? I'm sure. Could probably use a bit more since it releases in a year..
  6. It will be more powerful than poopstation 5
  7. so you guys are laughing at Xbox but hyping anime?
  8. I guess that's why they called the next one Anaconda but it's gonna choke the fuck out the next ps.
  9. I knew that's what you'd say. Do we not still consider goty regardless of whether its exclusive or not? RDR 2 wasn't exclusive but the superior version was in fact on One X at the time. Was RDR 2 still not game of the year? And was it not best on One X at the time it won GOTY? So what would you like? Be called a tie? Really? The One X version was far superior to any ps4 version. You can't run to pc now since RDR2 wasn't available yet on PC at end of last year. Hermits had to wait a year.. doesn't matter, Lemmings still won goty last year.
  10. Um we won last year. what an idiot! RDR 2 won last year. It was not yet available on PC. At the time when it won goty the best version was on Xbox One X. The PC version wasn't available then so therefore Xbox and Lemmings won goty at GS last year. Eat shit gaggot
  11. stfu I have literally walked in to the store with my used ps4 and traded it in for an Xbox One X. I have no regrets.
  12. And fuck you @alcatrazkazWe need more names like Mark, John, Peter, Paul, Mary and not some other bullshit. what a cuck.
  13. What I'm saying is that the only real reason you might actually like the name is if you were Muslim. I'm not Muslim at all and wasn't even raised near Muslim people. Pretty much a regular white christian part of the great white north but not overly religious at all.. maybe even a few rednecks..small town etc.. So Mohammad wasn't a common name for me growing up. When I moved to a larger city there were a larger mixture of people. Mohammad's are everywhere now doing food delivery, cabs, uber but I'm sure other jobs like engineering and such.
  14. So you really think Muhammed is a beautiful name? It's a good name but I personally don't think that it's one of the best names. That being said, I'm pretty sure that all versions of Muhammed or Mohamad or Mohammad combined is the most popular name on earth.
  15. 5-8 years after the initial Xbox 4 is released, Microsoft will be dominating the landscape
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