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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. It's okay. This time you're gonna feel it though.. Give it 5-6 years... you'll have abandoned this place to avoid the embarrassment.
  2. But we do have that kind of success.. MS is worth a Trillion while Sony is worth a paltry 50 billion maybe? buh buh teh success.. okay good luck taking down the determined behemoth coming your way.
  3. Microsoft will decimate all that go against it next gen. you have been warned
  4. You're from Texas ffs.. why you want Japanese games.. I thought you would have been some cowboy texan and not into japanime
  5. What happens when MS takes over again and sony fans once again have egg on their faces? See green text - if ps2/ps3 era had nothing to measure up to Halo, what's stopping MS from doing the same with some other franchises to Sony? It's nice to be overconfident on SW but you don't realize how easily the tables can be turned once again. So what's the ace up the sleeve cows? bah bah exclusives? Don't expect to see the Outer worlds sequels and whatever else MS has coming down the pipe on your shit console. But you get play them on PC? 1) Do you have a gaming PC ca
  6. The forza series is fun as hell. Just enable stick shift and clutch. Makes the car faster and you get it used to it pretty fast. More of a challenge too and feels more realistic driving a stick shift race car.
  7. I had a Ninja zx6r back in the day.. dangerous as fuck since you have no protection and I almost lost control a few times. Driving too fast because you have the power at your fingertips and inexperience can be a bad combo. I remember going at speeds of 240 km/h and you have no control. lol.. You just have to lay low on the tank and be with the bike. I never went higher than 600cc though. If I had a 900 I could probably hit 300 KM/h I have a friend who lost his leg below the knee and another friend one who is now in a wheelchair due to paralysis.
  8. I'll admit that MS took a small stumble with Xbox this gen but you act like it's their end. You guys are gonna be fucked in a few years lmao cows
  9. ah you cows are delusional. MS XBOX/PC are coming back with a vengeance. It's the calm before the storm.
  10. Sure but they could've possibly made more money. Let's say average game price is $60-$70 each across the globe, if they sell a million then they make $70 million. Releasing the game to the masses would potentially make so much more. I think I'm going to credit this game as the official kickoff to true VR gaming. Good old Gaben. He probably doesn't even care about the money and wanted to show everyone that good VR is possible. He's old school after all and a lot of those guys grew up dreaming about flying cars and tru Virtual Reality.. I'm sure he's doing it because he has the
  11. So will this game make any money? People will have to buy a VR unit to play the game? I already spoke to a few friends with gaming pcs and they're not into the VR at all.. especially if its only to be used on this one game.
  12. Early because less traffic but late because get to sleep in a bit. I choose work from home
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