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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. No because you're wrong as usual but there's no point arguing with you. Don't you ever find it strange that most arguments and fucked up threads on the forum are because of you? You are the only one that acts like a cancer on here. You are rot.
  2. So everybody wins? Not sure why you're so angry or critical. You sound like a whiny bitch.
  3. wow this guy's triggered af. I love it when this guy gets all worked up and tries to pick a fight. About what? I don't give a fuck
  4. SportsNet has fired this legendary man. He will no longer be on Coaches Corner. What a loss for the fans. Best hockey commentator.
  5. Song released in 1988
  6. whoops on Tears for Fears one.. you said rock. lol Yeah ACDC etc
  7. Dip rich af. Buy me one MP dippy
  8. I don't think we're allowed to even catch sturgeon here due to being endangered.
  9. um SSB is not actually considered a real "fighting game"
  10. These poor cows will never get a solid WRPG again. This was your one and only chance... but MS bought Godsidian so you're all fucked for future games from that amazing developer. Eat shit cows
  11. But I didn't expect that. I expected to get better performance and graphics on 90% of mutliplats. Sorry you were wrong on your assumption and that this response makes you look like an idiot. Wait.. sorry.. not sorry.
  12. Lets see.. ..Brand new successful RPG franchise developed by Obsidian, a well known and respected developer of New Vegas has proven once again that they are capable of creating these interesting WRPG style games. MS ultimately owns this. What do cows do? They create a thread dissing the Xbox One X power and graphics. you do realize that PS will never see this game again right?
  13. Not sure if you've played it. If you don't like RPG's then you probably wouldn't like this game. If you make any claim that you enjoy RPG's then this is a huge loss for you. The PS fanbase also loses since they will never see this game again on their platform.. Suck it fool
  14. lol this cow. This is an MS exclusive isn't it? Which means they own this franchise. The game was a success. The game is truly fucking amazing as well. This is an amazing exclusive addition to MS's library. We all know it went ton ps4 this time because of a deal prior to MS's purchase of Obsidian. You guys aren't getting any more quality wrpg's from MS going forward. As of now this franchise is MS exclusive. You were lucky to get this iteration of the game. We let the cows have a little taste of this new MS franchise. Savor it bitches since you aint getting any more of it
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