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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. are you one of those guys @Cookester15? can't tell. Are they using standard fishing gear like rods and reels? Must be heavy gear. I know they use large rods and reels for salmon fishing in the great lakes here so they must use them for those fish as well. I guess you just stand there and reel in? no help?
  2. Happy birthday. get any good loot?
  3. So you make deliveries in this game? Deliver me a pizza then Norman Reedus
  4. imagine actually taking acid and playing this game?
  5. Lol pokeman. This sheep is sad im also looking forward to fallen order but not sure if I will get day 1
  6. Game is amazing. Still can't believe MS owns this studio.
  7. remember that he goes to school with other blind people so they have no idea what he looks like. He probably doesn't even know what he looks like since he's been blind since the accident I don't think he even has hands to feel what his head or face looks like. I wouldn't ask the other blind kids to treat him like a god.. They've had their own hardships.
  8. What planet are you on? earth? or is it another planet with a different species who may have a higher tolerance and different genetic makeup that allows them to take that much damage?
  9. Good point, however we all know how much MS has invested into the gaming division. They are aiming to make a huge comeback and want a bite of the action.. They have their cloud service and gamepass. They now have Mixer and have paid popular streamers to come to their service. They've purchased devs which resulted in this game release on their service. Ever hear that you need to spend money to eventually make money? Who knows this better than MS? Think about it this way. People have been gaming on MS platforms for decades. From MS Dos to Windows since the 1980s. A
  10. okay I'm gonna stop shitting up the thread now.. I'm no longer replying.
  11. Last time I checked MS corp is worth a Trillion.. More than Sony and Nintendo.. I wonder if it's even worth more than both combined? that would be hilarious af.. So we can argue one way but it's a catch 22 for you. Only earned a dollar? Company worth a Trillion or MS sucks and fuck them but I'll buy into it and admit that it Gamepass and Microsoft have games. Why don't you play it on ps4? Anyone who got it from Gamepass are true hypocrites. Laugh at the Xbox and then buy into and encourage their product. /thread
  12. Point is even haters like you are buying into game pass. Let’s hear it. Say thank you Microsoft. You should suck Phil’s dick.
  13. Ms numba 1 pew pew the hypocrisy on this forum is unbeliveable.
  14. Everyone including jrrry using game pass for this. Thanks for the support suckers. Lmao. Buh buh we hate ms
  15. You are a lemming whether you like it or not. You play your games on a MS platform then you're a lemming. It's okay, we will crush sony and nintendo
  16. Did I not say they are scooping up developers and IP's. They can set up this service where everybody gets some of MS's games. Halo on PS.. so what? More money for MS. But ultimately MS's goal is to gain that monstrous upper hand and then swoop in with crushing powerful hardware to finally eliminate sony and nintendo and buy up their IP's for penny's on the dollar. Could be 5-15 years before we see MS completely dominate the gaming market but it's surely going to happen.
  17. So this thread was created out of tears? Wow..
  18. The reality is that MS is making a comeback and good luck to any company trying to stand in their way. They've invested BILLIONS into integrated gaming services and cloud. They are buying up teams and developers and paying for the best minds in computing and game development. It's all going to come together or a few things will come together next gen. They'll have their new Xbox out but also their cloud/gaming services/streaming. Sony and Nintendo are jumping in on Xcloud. What is there not to believe?
  19. Honestly though. Microsoft is a business and mixer is their service. You all mad because MS is actually investing in their gaming businesses? MS buys developers and teams and you all laugh at them. Listen, I know you all want MS to give up and go away but they are staying. Deal with it. How is this guy going to Mixer a bad thing for MS? A popular streamer comes to Mixer? Ah that's bad you say?.. Yeah, for you. There could only be one reason for this thread, it's that someone is mad that MS is improving and investing in their gaming division Scared?
  20. but who would actually want to play on switch and tiny screen? You must need precise control for aiming in that game? maybe not
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