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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Do it! Microsoft's generosity is for everyone to enjoy.
  2. I'm actually pumped it's free on Gamepass. I was cringing having the pay full price for this.. wasn't sure if I would pay full price but Gamepass! Score!
  3. I was kind of blown away by the girl at the end. Just being so real about the whole thing.
  4. you gonna play it on gamepass If they reviewed the X1X version it would be 9/10.. We all know that it has been enhanced for X.
  5. Free on Gamepass? Kabooooom.. target eliminated. number1
  6. Go to https://weedmaps.com/ Click maps, I like to filter by delivery and verified seller. Text or call them and they will deliver to your door. Good stuff and tax free. We have tons of delivery places in my town. Too many options actually. but not really
  7. Look at jerry the sheep in here hiding behind PlayStation lamo . Sheep talking about graphics
  8. Not gonna happen. And why jerry the sheep is excited I have no idea
  9. Doesn't matter. They won't be able to beat MS in this game. MS builds network operating systems and cloud technology. How can you even think that Sony stands a chance against Microsoft in this domain? it's all over bro.. you'll see.
  10. Microsoft builds network operating systems. Why wouldn't this be their forte?
  11. Not on this scale.. Come on now. Sony hasn't really expanded on their service and don't really have the know how to improve their infrastructure. Not like Microsoft and their experts in network operating systems. .Ah sony.. they're primary business was never software. Not like MS.... and the most popular operating system in the world to boot.
  12. Mutliplayer sessions within the cloud. Hosting the game but also having multiplayer sessions running in the cloud while those games are being hosted. All done very quickly and without lag. This results in a seamless multiplayer experience on each device regardless of what it is being played on. It is not limited to the hardware like phone or tablet but on the actual Xbox gaming console running in those blades. Why would they not use Xbox consoles to host the games duh that's what the games were developed for. The game is running remotely on the Xbox and each Xbox is able to communicate
  13. What's this now? Don't be an idiot. This is what Xcloud really is. These actual servers are running on Xeon processors. The Xbox's sit within server blades and act as hosts to remote devices, be it a phone or tablet or whatever else your mind can imagine. That is all the Xbox consoles are used for. The inter connectivity between all the Xbox One consoles is where the magic happens. Multiplayer sessions can be processed in real time in the cloud then streamed back to each device. The only thing that needs to be fast is the user's connection. If the user has a dece
  14. Xbox numba 1 KAAAAABOOOOOM target eliminated
  15. my shares are doing well Market Summary > Microsoft Corporation NASDAQ: MSFT FollowFollowing 138.24 USD +2.57 (1.89%)
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