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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. At least we were able to use it as GOTY winning material last year.
  2. yeah just get your boyfriend to jerk it for you..
  3. lotsa gayness in here.... not that there's anything wrong with that of course.
  4. As a Hermit you should be able to rip apart the pc and troublehshoot the thing. Are you getting anything on screen at all.. Any errors? If you're not sure then you should just get X.
  5. A promotion? What will he do with all the extra power? Hmm, what does an admin actually do you ask? If you want to really know just pm me.
  6. No way we want Kaz to stay.. Everyone just try to get along!
  7. Yeah the online aspect like in Dark souls is free otherwise it would break the game. Whether or not the game has actual multiplayer is something else entirely.
  8. why the hell don't I get any credit. I'm the first person to point it out in this thread wasn't I? /thread @lynux3owned /bookmarked.
  9. Well you're first problem is listening to Colin Moriarty
  10. if you want to play online multiplayer you need ps+.. That's what it says.
  11. You're title says "doesn't require PlayStation Plus for online" Yet, that yellow label clearly says the opposite.
  12. Statement 1: Paid-for PlayStation-Plus subscription required for online multiplayer. - This simply tells you that you will need PS+ if you want to play multiplayer. Statement 2: Sold Separately. - you have to buy a ps+ sub to be able to play online Statement 3: DEATH STRANDING does not require PlayStation Plus subscription. - The single player portion doesn't require ps+ unlike the multiplayer as mentioned above Online isn't free
  13. lmao you still have the hitler stache in public.
  14. Is Ellie still a lesbian? How do you guys feel about playing a dyke? buh buh buh Gears 5 @Bodycount N
  15. Pretty much. Forza is perfection. Sorry to break it to ya.
  16. you can tell this guy went to 90's eurodance parties where there were hard drugs with much anal fisting
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