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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Hear about the new SBTB reboot?
  2. I wear a big clock around my neck as a pendant
  3. A few years ago when I didn't have a dentist I ended up with an abscessed tooth. Needed root canal and crown. Before calling an emergency dentist and taking up an emergency appointment and paying a premium, I was at home considering if I should take it out myself using vice grips. It hurt so much I was desperate. The dentist couldn't even freeze my mouth because of infection so I demanded that he do the root canal without freezing. Doing so kills the root and therefore the pain. I almost ripped the arms off the dentist chair but it felt so much better afterwards
  4. What is this extra value you get in the game in the form of flags or skins for use in multiplayer? If you mean it adds extra fun to multiplayer and the community of gamers then it's fine. you might not like that type of game but many people do just for reasons like skins and flags. It's just another aspect of a fun shooter multi player style game. Not my fault sony and ninty got no shooters in their arsenal of games.
  5. This guy is full of shit. Sure he talks nice about Zelda, God of War and spiderman but hates on Gears for having micro transactions in MULTI PLAYER modes of Gears. Read carefully: Zelda and God of War are primarily single player games. Adding micro transactions to single player games defeats the purpose of the actual game. That being said, since Zelda and God of War are inherently single player games, there are no openings for micro transactions otherwise Sony and Nintendo may partake if they had the opportunity. What hot online multiplayer games do Sony and Nintend
  6. Haven't experienced any of these issues.. very strange indeed.
  7. are you guys going to jimstrict him?
  8. As I've been telling you guys. Xbox is numba 1. drive by.
  9. so much negativity in this thread. if the characters in those games had slanted eyes and wore schoolgirl length skirts then it would be more popular. But MS is developing the game? it's insta-blech. lmao. and we continue to go round and round and round
  10. syphilis? nope. Why do you care if MS destroys sony or ninty?.. You're team MS aka an orange hermit aren't you? Why so much concern for the other factions?
  11. the Xbox brand is the huge boulder and the little guy is ninty or sony
  12. My sister is a dyke so I'm just showing support. Got a problem?
  13. Hey @Bodycount NI just selected the gay pride flag as my banner in Gears 5. There are several versions you can choose too. Game rocks No homo.
  14. Not even worth it. Going back to playing Gears bye bye
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