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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. are you guys going to jimstrict him?
  2. As I've been telling you guys. Xbox is numba 1. drive by.
  3. so much negativity in this thread. if the characters in those games had slanted eyes and wore schoolgirl length skirts then it would be more popular. But MS is developing the game? it's insta-blech. lmao. and we continue to go round and round and round
  4. syphilis? nope. Why do you care if MS destroys sony or ninty?.. You're team MS aka an orange hermit aren't you? Why so much concern for the other factions?
  5. the Xbox brand is the huge boulder and the little guy is ninty or sony
  6. My sister is a dyke so I'm just showing support. Got a problem?
  7. Hey @Bodycount NI just selected the gay pride flag as my banner in Gears 5. There are several versions you can choose too. Game rocks No homo.
  8. Not even worth it. Going back to playing Gears bye bye
  9. So you're either a troll or a moron. 1) If you're a moron, well you're a moron. 2) You might be a troll but that implies that everything you say is BS and that you really don't believe or even care what scores Ninty or Playstation titles get since you don't even own any of these consoles... but yeah you're just here to troll. You have no technical knowledge and are simply here to troll the others in any way possible. That's fine if that you're thing I guess.. Getting mentally stimulated by the fact that you think you are "owning" people or being more clever than th
  10. The day I personally start preferring games like Tetris and dainty little japanime games over a game like Gears 5 is the day your IQ exceeds 110.
  11. How didn't they treat it fairly? @Bodycount N posted 4 games that scored higher.. one of them was ANOTHER Tetris and it scored 8.. Get the fuck outta here with that BS How am I supposed to take that seriously.
  12. Yeah? Post a screenshot with your @jehuray on paper with todays date?
  13. So funny how weak some of the lemmings have become Can't even stick to their guns. If all it took were for some MS games to be available on Steam and you all would bolt out of the faction (aka you, Jon, BC and some others), then you should have switched to cow or sheep a few years ago. lam
  14. The Gamespot Gears 5 review means nothing if they give shittier games an 8. Tetris for the millionth time? Well shit that deserves an 8.. A technical masterpiece which currently has best graphics this generation with fun gameplay? Nah that's a 7
  15. I really don't give a shit but it would be nice if the game industry reviewed things fairly. I've played Gears 5. Have you?
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