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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I have read the thread and it's a bunch of people saying that Xbox is going down.. I'm just stating the obvious truths and looking beyond the SW closed minded debates. This sheep and cows need to come back to reality. bunch of babies.. You should be backing and love MS since you're a pc gamer. If it wasn't for MS who knows if you'd even be playing the games you love on PC. MS=PC
  2. Lol this place is full of trolls like you. Nothing of value to say and you just come in and say buubbub mah xobx But you guys hate it when I come into a thread and say "Xbox numba 1 driveby"
  3. First of all Bill Gates, Steve Balmer and Satya Nadella are still currenlty 3 of the 5 top shareholders for Microsoft. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/122215/top-4-microsoft-shareholders.asp Bill Gates original vision for MS was to have some type of computer in every living room. "You know, even when we wrote down at Microsoft in 1975, 'a computer on every desk and in every home,' we didn't realize, Oh, we'll have to be a big company. Every time, I thought, 'Oh, God, can we double in size?'" Sony's TV and movie divisions are nothing compar
  4. First of all Xbox is only a pet project for MS compared to their actual income. Second, for Sony and Nintendo, the income from their games platforms is almost everything they've got and much of their income comes form those consoles/games. MS has it's own huge primary business that's been generating hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars for decades and there's no sign of any slowdown. They don't even really have much competition in the operating system market. Everyone seems to forget this in the realm of SW. So, you can say that MS isn't afraid of the competition since i
  5. I've played the games and they sucked. Sorry to break it to ya. And they are far from AAA material.
  6. isn't even a good studio.. They made reshitstain ffs.. You fucks are never welcome back to the lemming faction. I'm the boss now bitches.
  7. So these are the guys who made Resistance? I kind of forgot it was them. So you guys are hyping this dev? really?
  8. I wouldn't surprise me if you wear a dress and apply lipstick while playing those games.
  9. ok. still its pretty gay that you want to play with the barbie instead of even a bulldyke mannish soldier. Go play with your barbies @Bodycount N
  10. It's gonna flop hard especially with all the hype.
  11. you can post the gifs all day long but it doesn't change the fact that most of you like faggy jappy games.
  12. What were you all thinking a female protagonist would look like in a Gears game? Like one of your dainty little female in your japanophile games? It's really funny that most of you laugh at a tough character from Gears and then turn around and play faggy japanse anime shit. @Bodycount N
  13. Okay Buh buh gears SJW But you love games where you play as a Japanese schoolgirl. I don't get you people. lmfao
  14. I don't even know why you guys are mad about this? The graphics look great and it looks badass? Is it because you play as a girl? Don't you fuckers play anime style games as dainty girls in short skirts all the time? Final gayasy and shite like that?
  15. Why would you suddenly do this? If you were disgruntled about Xbox before why are you putting it back in the box now? Because of Insomniac? Sunset Overdrive was shit.
  16. Who'd deleting my posts @madmaltese @Alphonse Fuck this going to corn rages.
  17. I bought it at launch for PS4. It was alright. I also tried it during large updates when people were saying it was starting to get good but still wasn't that impressed. Elite just seems more realistic imo.
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