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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. This is so true. The Xbox fans like us are trying to tell the stupid masses that they are going to be boiled alive and they don't believe us. It's kind of fun watching them be cocky while the water slowly begins to heat up and boil
  2. The power of X compels you! The power of X compels you! The power of X compels you!!
  3. pretty gay. Japan is a strange culture. And the girl who paid over 100k for that bottle doesn't work two jobs lol. She must have a rich daddy.
  4. Honestly though, Fresh Prince wasn't kidding.
  5. A$AP Rocky found guilty of in Swedish case.
  6. Every time I hear heels I feel like saying whoa there horsey!
  7. It says "may create".. so thats a definite that they will? bahbahbah teh lemmings have been own3ed?
  8. Air yeezy lmao. high priced garbage. how can high fashion charge that price And people actually buy that crap
  9. It would be my honor, to be your new stepfaaaaather...
  10. It would be an honour to be his new stepfather I guess. Depends on how hot his mom is. Because if I'm his stepfather, I get to do stuff that fathers do to mothers. Get it? I really don't give a shit about the kid aka a 20-30 year old mothers kids. I'll lock those 30-40 year old kids still living at home out of their own damn house and drop rose petals on the moms bed. Rico Suave style.
  11. I think BC is gay. He likes gay stuff now so....
  12. It has been confirmed that he wasn't actually on suicide watch. But people are asking why he wasn't since he recently tried to do it.
  13. Lol an open world game vs going in a straight line.
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