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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. oh shit. well at least cows still have resistance. But yeah sony doesn't want to play ball with the Disney well they get fucked on the game. I think Tobey McGuire would be available?
  2. This place is a bunch of non technical noobs.. I thought at least linux would be aware but oikay then no point in arguing with people who have no idea what they're talking about. Final post in this thread because lol.. I don't discuss or argue with idiots. bye now.
  3. The whole idea is that you idiots are obviously not technical people. You might be good at your job so leave this to the pro to explain. kthanks buhbye
  4. you're an idiot. you don't even work in the technical field if you don't understand how this works. Feels good to be right
  5. Sorry, I don't argue with non technical people. I sometimes have to do it at work but I won't do it here But I read a little of what you said and they are just showing this as an example. As newer more powerful hardware becomes available they will also upgrade those Xbox's with the newest versions.. They aren't doing it with Xbox One X because no portable devices are yet powerful enough to run higher quality games than base Xbox at this time. Why put more powerful host hardware if it actually isn't needed. And yes, the cloud technology runs on Xeon processors and not Xbox hard
  6. I understand what they are trying to do and it makes sense. They are trying to provide the base xbox experience to lower end devices like smarphones and tablets. It's actually ingenious and simplifies things. The cloud technology which will be running on different hardware will manage the inter-connectivity between sessions whether it's Samsung phone and an iPad. The Xbox's are just acting as hosts for the other device (aka phone or tablet), but they aren't powering the actual cloud technology. Non technical people like you are funny.
  7. Did you read that on Vice? They will use re purposed One S motherboards? For real? * reputable Link
  8. What you don't understand is that Microsoft's primary business is now focused on cloud computing. Before being CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella led major projects that included the company's move to cloud computing and the development of one of the largest cloud infrastructures in the world. Microsoft as a company believes in this technology and they are leading the pack. Just like Windows leads the pack for being the most popular desktop operating system in the world. The company has dedicated themselves to this technology. They have now decided to implement games and Xbox into
  9. That's fine if the hardware "flops". Like previously mentioned, MS has a warchest. If Xcloud and Gamepass end up being successful enough I'm sure they'll keep some kind of hardware just to say they have their own. The hardware doesn't make much money. MS knows it's software that brings in the cash. So their other endeavors into game streaming will keep the incentive to have their own box.. Hell even Sony and Nintendo have jumped on the Xcloud bandwagon because they know it's the future. Why would MS stop producing the hardware that their services run on?
  10. Yeah pretty much. Thanks for supporting MS so they can continue on their Xbox projects. The money they use to invest into Xbox (which is significant) is truly only a drop in the bucket for their total income. Bahbah Xbox gonna go out of business and MS gonna shut it down trolololol - sheep and cows This shit is way too funny. Watching a bunch of gamers who are devoted to sony and ninty and have no idea about how much power and money MS actually has at their disposal You should be licking MS's perineum.
  11. Xbox=MS MS=PC. What is your primary gaming platform? Do you use some kind of operating system to play your games? Built by who might I ask?
  12. I have read the thread and it's a bunch of people saying that Xbox is going down.. I'm just stating the obvious truths and looking beyond the SW closed minded debates. This sheep and cows need to come back to reality. bunch of babies.. You should be backing and love MS since you're a pc gamer. If it wasn't for MS who knows if you'd even be playing the games you love on PC. MS=PC
  13. Lol this place is full of trolls like you. Nothing of value to say and you just come in and say buubbub mah xobx But you guys hate it when I come into a thread and say "Xbox numba 1 driveby"
  14. First of all Bill Gates, Steve Balmer and Satya Nadella are still currenlty 3 of the 5 top shareholders for Microsoft. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/122215/top-4-microsoft-shareholders.asp Bill Gates original vision for MS was to have some type of computer in every living room. "You know, even when we wrote down at Microsoft in 1975, 'a computer on every desk and in every home,' we didn't realize, Oh, we'll have to be a big company. Every time, I thought, 'Oh, God, can we double in size?'" Sony's TV and movie divisions are nothing compar
  15. First of all Xbox is only a pet project for MS compared to their actual income. Second, for Sony and Nintendo, the income from their games platforms is almost everything they've got and much of their income comes form those consoles/games. MS has it's own huge primary business that's been generating hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars for decades and there's no sign of any slowdown. They don't even really have much competition in the operating system market. Everyone seems to forget this in the realm of SW. So, you can say that MS isn't afraid of the competition since i
  16. I've played the games and they sucked. Sorry to break it to ya. And they are far from AAA material.
  17. isn't even a good studio.. They made reshitstain ffs.. You fucks are never welcome back to the lemming faction. I'm the boss now bitches.
  18. So these are the guys who made Resistance? I kind of forgot it was them. So you guys are hyping this dev? really?
  19. I wouldn't surprise me if you wear a dress and apply lipstick while playing those games.
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