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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. So if we are going to look at those stats and if they do in fact include gang violence then that would be a red herring. You CAN count those as mass shootings BUT you still need to consider those gangs are all probably using illegal firearms. Restricting legally obtainable firearms wouldn't immediately have any effect on these stats and could potentially make things worse. When normal people are used to having a gun on their hip for protection it's hard to take that away from them when so many bad people use illegal firearms more and more. Regular citizens probably feel safer ha
  2. mass shootings https://www.cbsnews.com/news/el-paso-walmart-shooting-suspect-patrick-crusius-latest-live-updates-today-2019-08-04/ https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/04/us/dayton-ohio-active-shooter/index.html
  3. which platform you getting it for? @JonB
  4. Oh surprise surprise! lmao the MS haters crew is out in force again Always trying to make a negative out of something positive for MS.. Grow the fuck up men.. If you're anywhere near 30 and like japanime crap and kiddie graphics then those shit platforms are for you. Bah bah bah I want to play anime games on the shitanese ps4 or switch.. Be a fucking man for christsakes.. Choose an American console/company. MS and their platforms will dominate. Little bitches
  5. My super slim took a shit after a month. I never had an Xbox die on me. EVER.
  6. I had a relative who was a famous wrestler on TV in the 1950s.
  7. Unfortunately for you I'm not owned. MS is a beast and will continue to make other companies their little customers. MS gonna be the big dog in gaming and all devs will be begging them to use their infrastructure.... Just like Sony and it's first party.
  8. bah bah bah MS will only help with AI and infrastructure. Sony doesn't have the talent to take on such an endeavor. They are MS's customer now. Pay up bitch!
  9. Is it on Xbox? can't wait Edit: Nevermind.. Just checked. Best on X. No games they say
  10. There's gotta be hundreds or potentially 1 or 2 thousand here.. https://www.trueachievements.com/xbox-one/games
  11. Honestly though, the typical Switch owner don't play those games. My boss just recently got a Switch so I asked him about some of these upcoming releases and he laughed. He likes Mario and Zelda to a point but he primarily bought it for the kids. He told me he'd rather have a One X for the living room. He already has a 1080 ti in his computer but wants to play in 4k hdr on his new TV.
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