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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I need that many because I play Forza in Front of 6 x 4k HDR screen in a 220 degree arc configuration and need all the Xbox's to feed the TV's to supply the in car perspective around my racing seat and Fanatec racing wheel.
  2. I bought one. EVGA.. suck it bitches
  3. They should bring back Midtown Madness. This game even had weather effects. Published by Microsoft for Windows.
  4. they will.. there will be plenty of other opportunities though. I hope you all remember how none of you believed me in a few years from now. The game is gonna chance and MS is in the drivers seat.
  5. you're just wrong though. Honestly though. I think they'll make a comeback next gen.
  6. You're first sentence is accurate but the rest is lies. Yes, they expected this. It's part of their grand scheme. Get ready to be anally raped SW
  7. lol The next Xbox is going to be a fucking monster. Probably more powerful than your future pc at the time of release.
  8. Just reading the list Universal Weapon Tuning - 60Hz servers - FREE - No Gear Packs - COOL - No Season Pass -COOL and probably free content - Direct purchases with no RNG - Exclusive earnable content - Free maps (Matchmaking & Private) - Recoil-based gunplay, Hit Markers, Kill Cams
  9. No, I'm not buying this shitty Nintendo deal. And just to "stick it" to Nintendo, I'll go to Best Buy and get an Xbox S Digi Ed which will be given to my nephew.. so he ain't getting a Switch. I'm not paying money for a switch lmfao He's being brought up to be a hardcore lemming. I'm going to get him to post here in a few years as my sidekick. I'm even teaching him about Microsoft other products. The kid is 9 now but he gonna be certified in MS products by the time he's 15. I will bet anything... pure genius. He knows I love MS and hate Sony and Ninty. And he w
  10. I won't support Nintendo but I will buy an additional Xbox One S All-Digital Edition™ and give it to my nephew.
  11. xdhxblackice is back!@
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