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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Don't listen to lynutz he's just a hater.
  2. Why would MS show their hand before Sony's official reveal?
  3. looks good. I remember getting into flight sims in around 2002-2003. Haven't played in a long time but what a difference.
  4. TCSHBFR! The cows too because they still have no clue to what kind of destruction MS will bring next gen.. Let's just wait shall we?
  5. Lol everyone on these forums are mad because MS isn't sharing their platforms or secrets for next gen Maybe MS is playing their cards a little more closely because so many people try to take advantage of them? I know this for a fact and their next gen is going to destroy. What would they have to benefit from showing their upcoming creations? MS is truly going to revolutionize gaming next gen and y'all gonna get ass raped. Just rename the forum to Lemming Lounge and be done with it. @Bodycount N is a retard in thinking MS will bring their entire platform t
  6. yeah Google has shook the trillion dollar company that is MS.
  7. I know.. it's also 6k resolution.. or one of them is. But is it like 30" or more I wonder?
  8. Okay I get it. What's the size of this monitor anyway?
  9. so you get the monitor with it right? I don't even know what I'm looking at ffs.
  10. I'm getting some.. I'm sure the ladies will be all over me even more.
  11. cheap bastards.. and that probably cost what? and extra $50-$60?
  12. because they are MS super secret sku's that they will divulge only at E3... BOOM! headshot! ooohhhhhhhhh!!!!
  13. Probably an employee mistake. Imagine that? A mistake by a minimum wage employee on Gamestop's website makes front page news here at SW The teen employee probably sat on the scanner gun and mistakenly added a bunch of sku's on their website. Some pimply faced kid put up that info. It's always the case when dealing these "rumors".. We know damn well that Ninteldo ain't coming out with that many games
  14. Should I watch the seasons before the movie?
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