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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Who here has to use a computer to do their Job? I should start a poll. What do you use: Windows Linux Apple I'm willing to bet a million dollars that the majority of you use Windows.. And your Windows operating system might need to authenticate against a domain controller running Microsoft Windows server. And then when you start your Microsoft Outlook to get your email you're connecting to the Microsoft Exchange servers. Then, software updates to hundreds of thousands of computers in a corporation are deployed through Microsoft SCCM. You want t
  2. Microsoft's primary business is based off networked operating systems. Most large companies are using some variant of their operating systems as well as server products, back office, Microsoft Intune for managing cell phones on a network. etc.. Active Directory, Domain controllers. Based on networks of sometimes hundreds of thousands of computers. All Microsoft and the majority of all companies in the world. Probably near 90% worldwide adoption in all manner of businesses. By the way, the domain controller you're authenticating against when you log on to your computer at work is running Mi
  3. Sony needs Microsoft. They're lucky that MS is giving them this leg up because Sony has no fucking clue about how to proceed in terms of networking and cloud based gaming. They have become Microsoft's customer. Microsoft is the kind of company that likes to cohabitate with their competitors. They play nice. Back when Apple was dying in the late 90s Microsoft helped them out. One of their biggest competitors besides linux at the time and invested a fuckton of money into Apple non voting shares to help keep them alive. MS helped save the company. MS was m
  4. I say just let them run with it.. They aren't hiring beginners here. They've got seasoned developers and designers with proven track records. They'll just let them go wild and be creative.
  5. I have a feeling MS is allowing these people to go wild with whatever it is they want to do. Or they may have very organized goals. Money is no object for Microsoft at this time. This is a huge investment for them and they are going all in. I'm sure we will see spectacular things.
  6. Wonder how much I could get for my fully functional 3dfx Voodoos.
  7. I have some old ISA EISA PCI cards in the shed. should try to sell them.
  8. https://www.windowscentral.com/former-uncharted-last-us-game-designer-joins-xbox-game-studios-initiative
  9. I got it for free on Gamepass and I gotta say it doesn't look great. Is this the kind of stuff sheep are hyping?
  10. Go to the heart attack grill. If you weight more than 350 lbs you eat for free.
  11. Where are you? It says no food or drink?
  12. How is the founder of Epic games an idiot? Why would anyone think that?
  13. But when will the sheep have current gen and we are now on the cusp of next gen already? What shall they do? for the sheep. Poor bastards.
  14. why do they call it "devil may cry"? I never understood that name. Is the devil going to potentially cry? I have no idea what that means
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