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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. The one with milk coming out of her tits. She's hot but the milk threw me off. I guess I would hit it even if her vag is a little messed up from recently delivering a child.
  2. Do we all think that Jon will snap and get so angry that he kills Dany? But it could happen if she doesn't relent I suppose.
  3. I've seen all episodes more than once and forgot about the red head. I still don't see Jon doing it unless he absolutely has to. For example, if they do end up fighting and she actually comes close to killing him but it comes down to him killing her or letting her kill him.. He would then probably kill her. That's the only way I can see Jon actually killing Dany. It could happen your way though but to me it doesn't seem likely.
  4. Yeah but Jon is not a mean spirited guy. Was Jon a virgin before Dany? If so then we all know how a guy ends up after his first lay, right?.. He's probably pussywhipped right now. He's doing anything for dat puss. But then again he may kill her.. Or she may kill him.. Anything can happen.. But can he die again? I'm also guessing Jon is invulnerable to fire but nothing has been shown yet this season.
  5. If it was a driver issue then it likely wouldn't work at all. He says it's slow so it sounds more like a distance/walls/pipes issue. You can screw around with drivers or use a laptop to test this adapter's connectivity. Plug it into a laptop and walk around to test the wireless reception in different areas of the house.
  6. Yeah wired is best but if not possible there are other options.. Just need the layout of your wireless setup. Distance from router? different floors? How many walls between? Sometimes it's just easier to set up an access point in your location of the house or apartment. Many things to consider but if it's not working with any wireless adapter then you will have to consider what I'm saying in order to eventually have wireless access from that location. Either that or move to another part of the house/apartment with better reception.
  7. All depends how far you are from the router and what is between you and that router. There are many potential issues with going through walls such as cement or pipes between floors. Is it on different floors?
  8. Nintendo is going out of business.
  9. I'm offended by the use of the word "curb stomp". Brings back memories of my grandparent's best friend's being curb stomped in the gulag.
  10. Yeah Quebec is weird like that.. If you live near Ontario and you cross the border it's likely all English.
  11. http://www.tokyonightowl.com/7-reasons-why-japanese-girls-dont-like-foreign-guys/
  12. So was the guy who said caucacity a white guy?
  13. please let jim at least post in the chatbox as much as he likes
  14. Jim's one of the greatest in SW history.. Stop being douches
  15. We should be able to pay real money to elect mods.
  16. I had a feeling it would be the end of the whitewalkers last night. It makes sense and we will get to see the battle between Cercei and the rest of them. I kind of figured they wanted to get the Whitewalkers out of the way.
  17. so lets see what the cows have to say
  18. rock and a hard place.
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