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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. If MS Windows never existed then gaming would possibly be different today. Would it exist or be as big as it is today?
  2. Honestly though, the old arguments that pc is better than console will soon no longer be valid. It's just the way it is, boys. Sure, Microsoft should be credited with helping to evolve 3d gaming to what it is today. They were working in the gaming industry when Sony was still making stereos sand speakers and had no notion of gaming whatsoever. How do we all forget that MS facilitated early 3d game development back in the 90's with DirectX. And it's mostly because of Microsoft's platform that allowed gaming to evolve to what it is today. Xbox is the future of gaming whether you like it or
  3. Yes they can be owned. The existing hermits are simply that - the existing hermits. Although they may stick with PC any new potential PC gamers will simply choose a console going forward since they don't need to purchase additional hardware such as mouse, keyboard, monitor, gaming video card etc.. and pay additional fees for OS licensing etc.. Buy an Xbox, bring it home and play. See how easy that was? No building pc's or walking into a computer store to buy a pre built at minumum $1000 plus monitor. None of that. Walk in to Best Buy, hook it up to your existing 4k tv and be done with it
  4. Spicalicious

    yo whatup

    I remember handsome horse being a lot funnier.
  5. At $337 there won't be many left soon enough. Then back to normal price on regular bundles. MS sure is nice for taking a loss on those consoles in order to clear the bundle from store shelves.. MS
  6. But why pay the same price for the Fallout 76 bundle if I can get a different bundle that I want? They just want to get rid of those packages/bundles. Fallout 76 is now considered an old game as well. With common sense, MS realizes it would be cheaper to just get rid of them by making an amazing deal/value on those specific bundles instead of shipping back and repackaging those consoles with a game that people actually want. Even if it's not the bundle that many gamers wanted to get, any person with interest in purchasing an One X has the opportunity to get an amazing deal. Thi
  7. idiotray Um, if there are competing bundles that are regular price then they are just trying to get rid of the bundles that people aren't interested in. MS has likely authorized a discount on those bundles due to poor reception. Stop being a moron. you're either really stupid of just a troll.. I'm guessing it's the latter. Please everyone, don't feed the troll or don't talk to the idiot. Either way..
  8. you should buy a pro controller. Keep the screen on your lap while you play on the pro controller on the bus or whatever. Put on a cool pair of headphones while you're at it.
  9. yes exactly. take pics of your parents moving their belongings down to the basement (I would preferably like to see frowns in those pics btw) all while you've taken over the upper levels. Lounging around sipping on martinis. Just chuck your uber eats leftovers down to the basement so they don't starve.
  10. Well duh, it's common sense if you watch any news at all. But some people just can't make the connection.
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