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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. The Monday leading up to the Holy week of Easter and the Notre Dame almost burns down? lmao.. this idiot doesn't see the logic. Must be nice to be a blind fool.
  2. MS will be king forever. everyonewhoisnotalemmingispwned
  3. Don't listen to Bodycount. He ain't in the house no more. I would typically say it like Ice T that Bodycount's in the house.. Bodycount! but I won't say it for him.
  4. Gonna buy one of each on lauch day. One for portability for when I go to LAN parties and family/friends gatherings.. The main Xbox with a disk drive will be found in almost every room in my place. I'll be able to pause my game, walk to the kitchen and continue to play from the kitchen tv while I microwave my hot dogs. Will be epic
  5. the carpet doesn't match the drapes.
  6. I am the new lord of the lemmings. I will single-handedly rule the lemming faction going forward. There will be no co captains. I am now king Lemlord bahahahahaha
  7. How about a 120" screen on a 4k HDR projector / home theater. Professional grade screen in a completely blacked out basement mancave. Walls painted mat black and not one glimmer of light except from the screen. Booming audio setup with 11.1 surround sound and 4 subs making the furniture shake. All this with theater style seating while the projector hangs overhead and completely hidden. The 120" screen looks like an actual TV when you walk into the room with the lights off. The only way to play Xbox.
  8. well if you saw the facebook pics you would sing a different tune. why you calling Jimbo a dick? I thought you liked him @Alien Jim
  9. I think Jimmy is being well taken care of. Look at the Facebook pics. I'm sure his family is putting a roof over his head and feeding him. Man, it would be nice to live like a teenager with my parents in my late 20's lol. He looks very productive playing sports and stuff like that.
  10. So Jim, you post like this on Facebook too? James
  11. if you have more than one goosbump are they considered geesebumps?
  12. I searched for James' Facebook but came up with kaput.
  13. I used to work at this place that was on the outskirts of the city in a more rural area and there were lots of Canada geese that hung around that place. The geese would often walk on the sidewalk or even the road. They were mean lol.. If you got too close they would start chasing you. Goose attacks can happen lmao
  14. The Canada geese here don't fuck around. I bet the Canada goose can kick the American goose's ass.
  15. I hang out at the street corner and sell crack.
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