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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I put some Nutella on my nuts and let my cat lick it off.
  2. lol who cares only timed exclusive. These studios flip flop between who pays more at the current time. MS and nobody ain't got time for that! It will eventually come back to MS's favor once MS's strategy takes a choke hold on the industry. The sony shit and cows will fall and so will the sheep. bahahahhaha
  3. What about the giftgivers and receivers? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugchasing
  4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/couple-finds-coveted-game-of-thrones-throne-in-tumbler-ridge-b-c-1.5073007 Six thrones and so far 5 found. Puzzlewood, England; Björklinden, Sweden; Castillo de Atienza, Spain; Beberibe, Brazil and now BC Canada. Since the eastern part of the world have found their 3, the last one is probably somewhere in the USA waiting to be found. They obviously placed the thrones in regions of the world that watch the show so the last one has to be in the States somewhere.
  5. They say geniuses use the color green. Robert Deniro said that in meet the parents so it must be true.
  6. So Forza will essentially destroy Polyphony Digital by making it's way to Playstation via Gamepass? Okay I'm fine with that. How about the cows? I've been predicting this ever since the day Forza came out. I knew it would kill the GT franchise and I argued with cows back then about it. Well, I told you so... in yo face!
  7. He gets to keep his job and lifestyle though. The show wants to keep him I think.. Gonna rake those millis
  8. bodycount and jehuray hbfr!
  9. Jehurey purposely goes around trying to start arguments so I don't think people are actually approaching him to argue. It's more like he's coming in here and trying to argue with everyone because he finds it fun. So it seems that he's often arguing with others which he is, but he actually mostly sought out those arguments. This is part of the reason some people were calling for post limits on his account. He often came in and derailed threads in some other crazy direction and it was hindering forum discussion. In short, he's kind of a troll. lol
  10. He's no longer a lemming. I have become the faction leader ever since I've become the final official lemming. I hereby deny bodycount reentry into my faction.
  11. I bet I can sell one of my One X's right now for $400 CAD (but why would I? lol). Anyone who desires to game like on PC but can't afford the hardware would be more than happy to pay $400 for something that complements their 4K HDR set. So you say no value? I say you're wrong.
  12. I'm pretty sure that Rockstar will team up with MS and build their next GTA world on the back of Azure's cloud infrastructure.
  13. Alright cool I can see it now thanks. I really thought someone was fucking with my account for luls.
  14. Pretty sad of the mods and/or even @Alphonse How petty can you be? Honestly? Like I said before.. back to https://corn-rages.com/ for me.
  15. Never seen a web forum of less than 10 members try to alienate some of those 10 members I'm gonna DDOS this site into the ground. Ban me for that! Fucking losers.
  16. Haha funny. Who do you think you're dealing with here? Some idiot mod disabled Chatbox under my profile. Fuck this shit.. Bye. I'm really never coming back to this dump. fucktards.
  17. How is spamming the chat box hurting this forum? It's not like the good topics are being pushed down by the garbage or anything... Fine, make Jim and I + other people create and post in threads instead.. shit up the threads with our posts I guess. Not sure what the site owner and mods are actually hoping for here. There aren't may users on this website. Are we going to ban everyone until there are only a 2-3 people left? At least with chat box you had somewhere for people shit post.
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