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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. You see.. the other factions really do want our games.
  2. bro you sure are mad for a non Xbox fanboy.
  3. @Alien JimYo come post in here so I can upvote your replies.
  4. Nice pics @Alien JimIs that one one the huts you're living in while over there?
  5. can you post the vid I'm bored. I've played my Xbox's for several hours already today and I'm tuckered out.
  6. PC is alright but nothing close to the same value as Xbox.
  7. The cows avoiding this thread like the plague
  8. Feel bad for the poor suckers who paid full price
  9. I'm just going to create a youtube channel and use myself as the rep for SW. I will get all the crazies to sign up to this website. You will all be regaled.
  10. Poor sheep.. damn shame they won't experience this shit. too bad. hahahahaha
  11. I believe THQ has to pay Steam or another platform so they can add their game? Maybe Epic game store is simply cheaper for them right now or maybe free for a specific amount of time so they are accepting that deal to maximize THQ company profits? If they maximize profits then this gives THQ, the company more bank to make the next game. But its okay, gamers who simply want the game on Steam just because their being difficult are boycotting. Maybe Steam, the company charges an inordinate amount?
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