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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. MS has quite the war chest. Let's see what happens. I'm pretty sure that everyone just woke the sleeping giant but you will all find out soon enough.
  2. But for real Mikey. To each their own. Everyone has their own way to look at things and break it all down differently. I've learned to keep my trap shut for the most part because we are simply humans. We are all animals who live on this planet. It's difficult to change animal instincts. But seriously though. You don't know what I mean by "foot race"? I'm using it as a hypothetical.
  3. might want to read my edit fucknuts. And by the way, you posting that image shows me how truly stupid you are. Thanks.
  4. Quite a bit. Most normal people tend to lean towards their own race or ethnicity. Why do you think black people are always hyping up themselves and their friends? You stupid fuck. Let's not kid ourselves. If there was some kind of competition between the races of planet earth, I mean something like a foot race or some shit, you can bet your ass that the majority of Asians would choose their competing Asian to win. Same with Black. Same with White. Hispanics would always choose the Hispanic to win. This is reality. I'm sure all races on this website can admit that. If the
  5. You and Gook are both white guys right? Lol such pansies. Black Panther wasn't even that good. rofl. If it deserved to be up there then I wouldn't mind but as it is.... .
  6. Honestly though, when was the last time a super hero movie was nominated at the Oscars?
  7. Oh shit, you never had an XOneX? I suppose you don't have a 4k TV otherwise youd still be a Xfan
  8. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhh Booooiiiiiiiiiiiii! MS next console gonna wipe the floor. Shit's gonna be off the hook yo.
  9. My 20 yo niece listens to this. Gucci Flip Flops.
  10. What if all Halo's, Gears and Forza games were excluded on the Switch as well any future MS first party exclusives? Sure, he'd get Epick Mickey and those games but not the titles he loves. What now? Should he still be forced to buy a Switch due to this wager?
  11. So what if all the same games are not included in both Switch and Xbox versions of Gamepass? Because if the time comes that Gamepass does in fact show up on Switch BUT doesn't include all games? Would you think Jon would be welching if he didn't get a Switch? Because in my opinion, if all games don't come included then you might get "Gamepass" on Switch.... however, you're not getting the real true Gamepass. It's not black and white unfortunately. I think it would be reasonable for Jon to NOT get the Switch if all of his favorite games are not on the platform.
  12. I'm actually enjoying the Crackdown 3 single player campaign.. Revues are off. This game should have been at least an 8.
  13. Just goes to show you that some of the black community have come to realize they're being given an advantage in these times and that there are currently many sympathizers to their cause. Because of this, Jussie thought it would be a good idea to fake the hate crime against himself because he knew that would garner him support and potentially make him indispensable to the Empire cast and force execs to give him more money if he threatened to leave. Talk about a backfire for Jussie but it's a sign of the times. The cast of Empire no longer want him on the show because he is now a l
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