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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Honestly though, when was the last time a super hero movie was nominated at the Oscars?
  2. Oh shit, you never had an XOneX? I suppose you don't have a 4k TV otherwise youd still be a Xfan
  3. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhh Booooiiiiiiiiiiiii! MS next console gonna wipe the floor. Shit's gonna be off the hook yo.
  4. My 20 yo niece listens to this. Gucci Flip Flops.
  5. What if all Halo's, Gears and Forza games were excluded on the Switch as well any future MS first party exclusives? Sure, he'd get Epick Mickey and those games but not the titles he loves. What now? Should he still be forced to buy a Switch due to this wager?
  6. So what if all the same games are not included in both Switch and Xbox versions of Gamepass? Because if the time comes that Gamepass does in fact show up on Switch BUT doesn't include all games? Would you think Jon would be welching if he didn't get a Switch? Because in my opinion, if all games don't come included then you might get "Gamepass" on Switch.... however, you're not getting the real true Gamepass. It's not black and white unfortunately. I think it would be reasonable for Jon to NOT get the Switch if all of his favorite games are not on the platform.
  7. I'm actually enjoying the Crackdown 3 single player campaign.. Revues are off. This game should have been at least an 8.
  8. Just goes to show you that some of the black community have come to realize they're being given an advantage in these times and that there are currently many sympathizers to their cause. Because of this, Jussie thought it would be a good idea to fake the hate crime against himself because he knew that would garner him support and potentially make him indispensable to the Empire cast and force execs to give him more money if he threatened to leave. Talk about a backfire for Jussie but it's a sign of the times. The cast of Empire no longer want him on the show because he is now a l
  9. The heroes of yesterday were guys like Aerosmith, Guns n Roses, U2, Bon Jovi, Queen, Motley Crew, Van Halen, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Nine inch nails, The Cure, Pearl Jam, Smashing pumpkins, Green Day, REM etc .. Now we got mumble rappers and 12 years old white girls who grew up in the burbs talking ghetto black Atlanta hood speak. We even got some white as a ghost Australian chick called Iggy Azelia speaks ebonics. This is the world we live in . Don't get me started on the kardashian shit
  10. We live in a world where in the late part of last century singers were actually singers. Rap and hip hop was up and coming 20 years ago and it's now dominating. It's now gotten to the point that Cardi B, Bhad Bhabie and Migos are what the little shits listen to now. Soccer moms are all into it too. lmao.. People listen to music for beatz now instead of raw musical talent such as playing instruments and having real vocal range. I suppose making beatz is another kind of talent
  11. Or they just prefer the ghetto sound. I'm not going to judge. Sure the world is going to hell in a hand basket but whatever.. there's no stopping it. No sense in arguing, honestly.. People don't change their minds very often. To each their own.
  12. I also found it sounded a bit ghetto. Not trying to be an asshole but I just prefer the original. If you like hip hop or doing beatz and shit then you might be in to the bass typical ghetto voice sound. Dyno knows what I'm talking about. It's got that kinda loud deep sound to it. Hard to describe. And yes, I did notice some ebonics. It's a fine rendition but given the choice I'd prefer to listen to the original.
  13. drive by? x... you know what I was gonna say
  14. Okay. lmao do you have any idea how long MS has been developing Azure? Do you have any idea how many data centers they own running those virtual servers already? MS has a huge war chest and these tiny sums are nothing for them. They are looking at the big picture. Sony on the other hand is doing alright for now but they need to evolve. They just don't know how. MS are the experts in server communications, networks and cloud computing. Sony doesn't know jack shit and they should start to learn and build an infrastructure because online-all-the-time gaming is coming whether you like it o
  15. Stop lying though. RDR 2 won goty for 2018. Once again, dry up those tears and grab a tissue.
  16. They aren't making ports at all. wtf they have a platform with servers running virtual machines and that streams to another device. There is no coding or porting involved. That's the entire point of cloud services. They make one game and the servers are adjusted to stream to other devices through an application.. it would never run natively on switch switch can barely run its own games. What will be funny is that MS's streaming games will likely run better than switch developed games
  17. Nope sorry GS said it was RDR2 and that means Xbox won goty and we go by GS here at SW. cry more.
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