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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. The heroes of yesterday were guys like Aerosmith, Guns n Roses, U2, Bon Jovi, Queen, Motley Crew, Van Halen, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Nine inch nails, The Cure, Pearl Jam, Smashing pumpkins, Green Day, REM etc .. Now we got mumble rappers and 12 years old white girls who grew up in the burbs talking ghetto black Atlanta hood speak. We even got some white as a ghost Australian chick called Iggy Azelia speaks ebonics. This is the world we live in . Don't get me started on the kardashian shit
  2. We live in a world where in the late part of last century singers were actually singers. Rap and hip hop was up and coming 20 years ago and it's now dominating. It's now gotten to the point that Cardi B, Bhad Bhabie and Migos are what the little shits listen to now. Soccer moms are all into it too. lmao.. People listen to music for beatz now instead of raw musical talent such as playing instruments and having real vocal range. I suppose making beatz is another kind of talent
  3. Or they just prefer the ghetto sound. I'm not going to judge. Sure the world is going to hell in a hand basket but whatever.. there's no stopping it. No sense in arguing, honestly.. People don't change their minds very often. To each their own.
  4. I also found it sounded a bit ghetto. Not trying to be an asshole but I just prefer the original. If you like hip hop or doing beatz and shit then you might be in to the bass typical ghetto voice sound. Dyno knows what I'm talking about. It's got that kinda loud deep sound to it. Hard to describe. And yes, I did notice some ebonics. It's a fine rendition but given the choice I'd prefer to listen to the original.
  5. drive by? x... you know what I was gonna say
  6. Okay. lmao do you have any idea how long MS has been developing Azure? Do you have any idea how many data centers they own running those virtual servers already? MS has a huge war chest and these tiny sums are nothing for them. They are looking at the big picture. Sony on the other hand is doing alright for now but they need to evolve. They just don't know how. MS are the experts in server communications, networks and cloud computing. Sony doesn't know jack shit and they should start to learn and build an infrastructure because online-all-the-time gaming is coming whether you like it o
  7. Stop lying though. RDR 2 won goty for 2018. Once again, dry up those tears and grab a tissue.
  8. They aren't making ports at all. wtf they have a platform with servers running virtual machines and that streams to another device. There is no coding or porting involved. That's the entire point of cloud services. They make one game and the servers are adjusted to stream to other devices through an application.. it would never run natively on switch switch can barely run its own games. What will be funny is that MS's streaming games will likely run better than switch developed games
  9. Nope sorry GS said it was RDR2 and that means Xbox won goty and we go by GS here at SW. cry more.
  10. I'm sure some of you have heard about this. Actor from Empire staged a hate crime against himself by hiring two black guys to impersonate white racists. He said the attackers where white and wore MAGA caps and yelled MAGA country. He claims the white's put a rope around his neck and poured bleach on him but in reality he paid them to do it. https://www.tmz.com/2019/02/20/jussie-smollett-indicted-felony-charge-filing-false-police-report/ Why? He just ruined his career. Talk about a backfire.
  11. He just won a huge settlement some say might be worth 100 million. If he took the shitty football job for 1 million a year then he would be seen a moving an no longer wanting to pursue the NFL in court which he actually didn't want. That's probably why he said 20 million because he knew they wouldn't take it and was holding out for a large NFL settlement.
  12. I might get a 6th X. Thinking about daisy chaining them and making a super computer. Nah but seriously, I've convinced my sister to buy one so since she's on mine every time she comes over! it's kinda like I'm contributing to the future of Xbox.
  13. I remember that hot bitch Porscha. She and that dude (he still posts here! What's his name?) system warring against Black Hand and the BDG crew. lmao
  14. Microsoft did the same with Windows 10. They left it barebones to start and added features and continued to develop. It's the way alot of successful technology firms work. They get the basic infrastructure to work and to them this is a big deal because CD3 online cloud world actually works in a live environment. Not having party chat at this time is insignificant. They will add it soon so keep your pants on. God you guys are sad fucks.
  15. They are keeping at as bare bones as possible. They will add to it. I'm sure they have mostly everything in place already. They'll do it when they think it's right. They are the engineers after all.
  16. To be honest, I would have preferred 1.0. This technology showcase is not about the game itself.. Yes crackdown 3 the game, is probably nothing to write home about. But the cloud technology has been proven to successfully work in a live environment. One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind. Games in the near future will be realized in online worlds and we will eventually use that world with VR and other technologies. Realistic worlds that will be realized in the cloud. Where will that leave Sony and Nintendo? Their technology will become outdated and obsolete.
  17. Wow... the idiocy of this person. Buh buh they dint' do nuffing.. 5.0 game lolololol Open your asshole and get ready to have a broomstick stuffed up your ass in 5 years and we'll see who has the most exclusives. Next gen GTA has built in cloud support? How the fuck is phony and shitendo going to use it when it's built into MS owned technology? Oh, sony will lease it from MS if they want to play next gen GTA and RDR/ Rockstar games. That's cool.. As long as MS gets a cut. But you can bet your ass that it will run BEST on MS hardware.
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