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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I'm sure some of you have heard about this. Actor from Empire staged a hate crime against himself by hiring two black guys to impersonate white racists. He said the attackers where white and wore MAGA caps and yelled MAGA country. He claims the white's put a rope around his neck and poured bleach on him but in reality he paid them to do it. https://www.tmz.com/2019/02/20/jussie-smollett-indicted-felony-charge-filing-false-police-report/ Why? He just ruined his career. Talk about a backfire.
  2. He just won a huge settlement some say might be worth 100 million. If he took the shitty football job for 1 million a year then he would be seen a moving an no longer wanting to pursue the NFL in court which he actually didn't want. That's probably why he said 20 million because he knew they wouldn't take it and was holding out for a large NFL settlement.
  3. I might get a 6th X. Thinking about daisy chaining them and making a super computer. Nah but seriously, I've convinced my sister to buy one so since she's on mine every time she comes over! it's kinda like I'm contributing to the future of Xbox.
  4. I remember that hot bitch Porscha. She and that dude (he still posts here! What's his name?) system warring against Black Hand and the BDG crew. lmao
  5. Microsoft did the same with Windows 10. They left it barebones to start and added features and continued to develop. It's the way alot of successful technology firms work. They get the basic infrastructure to work and to them this is a big deal because CD3 online cloud world actually works in a live environment. Not having party chat at this time is insignificant. They will add it soon so keep your pants on. God you guys are sad fucks.
  6. They are keeping at as bare bones as possible. They will add to it. I'm sure they have mostly everything in place already. They'll do it when they think it's right. They are the engineers after all.
  7. To be honest, I would have preferred 1.0. This technology showcase is not about the game itself.. Yes crackdown 3 the game, is probably nothing to write home about. But the cloud technology has been proven to successfully work in a live environment. One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind. Games in the near future will be realized in online worlds and we will eventually use that world with VR and other technologies. Realistic worlds that will be realized in the cloud. Where will that leave Sony and Nintendo? Their technology will become outdated and obsolete.
  8. Wow... the idiocy of this person. Buh buh they dint' do nuffing.. 5.0 game lolololol Open your asshole and get ready to have a broomstick stuffed up your ass in 5 years and we'll see who has the most exclusives. Next gen GTA has built in cloud support? How the fuck is phony and shitendo going to use it when it's built into MS owned technology? Oh, sony will lease it from MS if they want to play next gen GTA and RDR/ Rockstar games. That's cool.. As long as MS gets a cut. But you can bet your ass that it will run BEST on MS hardware.
  9. So funny when technologically inept people don't realize that MS's new cloud world is gonna destroy all other platforms. Good luck idiots.
  10. Most people on system wars are too technologically inept to understand the significance of this new technology.
  11. Okay, name one company that has built an online cloud service that assists in building and physics of the actual in game world. The type of destruction can only be achieved at this time via assistance in cloud computing. So tell me n00b who has a no computer technical background whatsoever, name just one other company that has accomplished such a feat? You can't name one other company. If you reply with a smiley then you're obviously baiting and out of your element here. You have no idea what you are talking about. Just admit it or prove me wrong.
  12. I have a feeling that some of you are successful in your own fields but have no idea about how new technologies are built. That's fine.. I'm not the one who's ignorant here. Keep laughing
  13. Remij has no idea how difficult it was to achieve what they did in CD 3. lol No one has ever done it before
  14. So you work in a technical field with regards to computing? What is it?
  15. Ah yes, the non technical people in this thread not understanding what is actually happening. So not having party chat ruined one game experience for you.. Big deal.. Just wait and see what this technology brings to the future of gaming.
  16. OMG. .you're angry about the implementation of THE GAME launching this new technology. It doesn't matter what scores CD3 gets or the fact that you're upset about the missing feature. The fact remains that many gaming companies might want to use this technology in future iterations of their games. I'm pretty sure Rockstar would be interested for their GTA and RDR worlds. What happens if one of their next games is built on that specific technology? The next GTA or RDR or other can no longer be played natively on Sony and Nintendo consoles don't support the infrastructure. They will have to
  17. I truly believe other developers will want to take advantage of this technology in the near future. Who do you think those third party devs will go see if they can get this working on a full scale infrastructure? Oh I think they'll want to talk to Microsoft as being the leading industry experts. So let this sink in. If this technology does in fact become the future of gaming and Microsoft themselves pioneered the technology, then any game built around it automatically becomes Microsoft exclusive because sony and nintendo aren't allowed to use it. It's owned by Microsoft. The c
  18. So what? We don't do black face comedies on the streets or theaters anymore. That is long in the past now. Why can't we do it on halloween? It's a simple costume.. We don't do these kinds of shows anymore. we just want to go trick or treating once a year. We're not even doing condescending black things while we wear a blackface outfit. I don't get why people get angry.
  19. so no love for my crackdown 3 official thread and every body jumps on this frozen 2 cartoon. What kind of people am I dealing with on this website?
  20. wahhh Nobody likes free games. No, you want to spend more and more money. Two ps4s a shit slim version and and fake ass pro no4k. Can't weit for new ORI Will of the Wisps. eXcluded from pshit and nintend-tard paltforms.
  21. Ah @RemijLet's remind everyone that there are approximately 10 active users on this website..
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