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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Just checked your history. Michael85? Yeah I remember some Michael kid posting a while ago. I took breaks from this place over the years though but yeah I remember seeing you post. It would be great if Hurricane Mike came back.
  2. Also, does anyone remember Adrien Werner who posted here? Was that the same Adrien Werner mod from GS SW? Doubt it.
  3. You're definitely not Hurricane Mike. Mike didn't used to talk like that. Who were you originally?
  4. I'm honestly not sure who they are or used to be.
  5. Is he HurricaneMike? I thought he was cool? McWicked is a wuss. lmao
  6. I also think just Xbox would be sufficient. It doesn't have to be fancy. The hardware and games speak for themselves.
  7. It will also probably be 10x more powerful than PS5 so I think the 10 is the right number to use.
  8. That's how bad I was. Many people got banned in the old days. Shut the fuck up newb.
  9. And @SheepKilla I believe that people think that you are in fact GS4U? When did you join again? Mid to late 2000's?
  10. Oh you don't understand. My baiting techniques were ridiculous and so obnoxious that it got me banned many times. I must have at least 10-15 previous accounts from here. I haven't created any new accounts since 2012 I don't think, and those old accounts are from 2003-2010 at least.. Long gone.
  11. @SheepKillayou started pretty late too.. so you should be considered a newb. Which one is GS4U or whatever his name is because I remember when he started posting here
  12. No no, I was here right after it opened in the early to mid 2000s I think? Some of my accounts have been banned and this one is relatively new for 2012. I used to post at GS SW.
  13. This guy. I've been on this website longer than most of you. I remember the first day @TLHBO posted here. It was cute. I was already a veteran. I still also remember when@jehureyposted here. Many of the people on here are new.. some older veterans. How would I know that Saucer's original username was Saucer Eyed Murderer? Or Hot Sauce was Hot Sauce AO? The only way for me to know those original usernames was if I was here a long time ago. Point is.. I was here first so fucking eat shit.
  14. Poor widdle baby. lmao suck a dick.. Xbox is the best.. They will destroy all other competition so eat shit faggot.
  15. I swear to fucking god.. I will post the receipts. hold up. Edit.
  16. I think the next Xbox is going to be a beast. I heard that it's going to have 36 cores with 32 GB or ram running at 4000 mhz .. They say it will be as powerful as an RTX 3080 TI.
  17. Dude I've been a fan of Microsoft even before Xbox came into existence. I've gamed in MS-DOS.
  18. I just paid for all the Forza car packs. I can't wait to try the Doritos car.
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